December 7, 2015

7 1 0

#15 Wednesday, December 7, 2015

Dear Life Saver,

There are getting to be so many letters that they won't fit in this notebook anymore. I think that I may need to get a box. But with that runs the risk of my mother coming across them, which would be disastrous. When I was 11, I had just started to like boys, and I had this little, wide ruled notebook that I wrote about them in. This one kid, his name was Eli, was so cute and he was in my martial arts class. I wrote all about how much I loved him, I drew hearts with our names in them, I hid his initials in terrible drawings. It was personal and slightly creepy, okay? Anyway, my mom came across it and for a very long time I heard about how I should never think of a boy that much. About how it was unhealthy and ungodly. Can you imagine what she would say if she found these? She might even send me away to become a nun! Forced to be a nun! Just like one or two of Henry VIII's wives. I refuse to be treated like an unwanted wife. Like, that's not cool.

I am not feeling a lot of emotion today. We had our project, and it is finally over. Our teacher asked us so many questions and you answered them all. I could literally never thank you enough for that. Have I mentioned that I'm terrified to talk in front of people? Well now you know, right? I guess I'm kind of sad that we won't be working together anymore on this, but maybe it will give me a chance to move on. Pick up myself again. Sound like a plan? Sounds like a plan.


The Girl who is Moving On

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