February 14, 2016

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#22 February 14, 2016

Dear Long Lost Lover,

This is going to be hard to write. And ironic. And sad. And happy at the same time. It's Valentine's Day. I'm wearing too much makeup. I'm smiling way to much. I'm actually happy for the first time in a while. Ryan makes me happy. Ryan Kimmel makes me happy. He officially asked me out today. I'm sure you've heard. From him. Not me. We haven't talked since late January. I can't really explain why. Maybe it's just because I haven't been making the effort. I guess that means that this was the right thing, meaning you never put much effort in. Sure, I appreciate the times when you paid for noodles or worked on the project with me. I'm so glad that I met you because you have taught me a lot. I've learned the type of person I really like. I've learned the type who is right for me. This is a story that will never be told as far as I know, but maybe, just maybe, I'll send these to you someday when we're both old and falling apart. These letters, and you, have been a large part of my life for the past five months and I've learned so much about you. I want you to get married and work at a job you love. I want you to graduate as Valedictorian because I know that's been your goal for the last four years. I want you to live a beautiful life. But most of all, I never want to see you again. It's time for me to let go, and not letting go wouldn't be fair to Ryan. He deserves the best. He's amazing. He's treated me better than any guy ever has before. I suppose it helps that he's not gay or seven feet tall, but those are stories for another day. I want you to know that I loved you. So if you ever feel unloved or hurt, you should know that I loved you once, and it takes a lot for me to love someone. I know that it seems like I fell fast and hard, but it was an eternal struggle, and I always felt guilty about it. But now it is all over. One of my biggest regrets is that I never got to be with you and that I never tried to get to know you before this year. But that is okay now. I loved you so much, but goodbye.


Author's Note:
Hey guys! So this is not then end. Seems like it should be, but I promise that it's not. Keep hanging in with me. Love you guys!!

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