November 16, 2015

14 1 0

#6 November 16, 2015

Dear Partner in Crime,

We were paired together for an AP bio project today. It's due in three weeks. We're supposed to make a presentation on organelles. I know that we'll do well. The teacher, who's my favorite, paired us together on purpose, by the way. I hope that we will work on this project at our houses. Preferably yours. You definitely don't want to meet my parents.

I can see it all now. You would be doing research. I would be searching for pictures. You would be creating a PowerPoint. I would be reading the textbook. You would ask me a question. I would smile. And maybe, just maybe, you would smile back. We would just stare at each other for a long time, until your girlfriend texts you back. And then it would all be over. But we would have a moment. A moment to put down in the books. November 16, 2015: they had a moment. Let it become a national holiday! I am laughing at myself and you are looking at me right now. You look kind of confused. You should be at play practice right now, so you must have needed extra help with something. My teacher is helping you. He's obviously solely mine. I'm continuing to scrawl in this red sharpie, just like I do every day. You are walking over here. I hope you can't hear me hyperventilate a little. You are asking me when-


The Girl who will Write Later

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