Ch. 23: My House?

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Today I am being released from the hospital. They told me that I can't live alone sense my memory is basically gone right now, so I'll be living with a guy named Peeta. Why would they make me live with a stranger is the real question. I am only certain about a few things right now and it's that I am Katniss Everdeen and I am 19 years old. 

"You ready to go?" I hear a knock on the bathroom door where I am changing into a green long sleeve sweater and some leggings along with some brown combat boots. "Yes, Peeta." I roll my eyes. Who does this guy think he is? Anyway, I really like the color of this sweater, I think it might be my new favorite, though I don't remember my old favorite. I brush my hair and leave it down in waves. 

"You look nice." He smiles. I glare at him. Why is he complimenting me? He is so weird. "Thanks." I say walking out the hospital room door he's holding open for me. He talks to the front desk and I sign some papers. Then, we go to my house. It's a little weird, why do I have a house at 19? Don't I have a family? Doesn't Peeta? 

Once we are at my house, I open the door. The smell of lamb stew makes my mouth water. I follow the delicious smell to what looks like a kitchen. "Who are you!" I scream when I see an old lady standing in my kitchen. "Peeta, I think we are in the wrong house!" I yell trying to run out. He stops me though and I look at his blue eyes and frown. "Who is that old woman, Peeta!" I whisper. I hear her laugh. "That's Greasy Sae, she takes care of you sometimes." He laughs. "I don't need to be taken care of." I say folding my arms. "Yes you do. Thank you, Sae, the food smells absolutely delicious." Peeta says causing her to show a no-tooth smile. "Gives me pleasure, my boy." She laughs, "Now, I have to go, my grandson is coming over later." She says hobbling off. "See ya' Katniss." she waves. 

We go into the kitchen and begin to eat the stew over warm rice. It is good. I wish I hadn't been so mean to that strange lady. "Katniss, you need to be nicer. Everyone is trying to help you out." He says sympathetically. "I don't like being nice." I mumble. "I know." He says looking away. What does this boy want from me? 

"Where is my room?" I say as I finish. "I'll walk you to it." he says putting our bowls in the sink. Once in the room, I slam the door in his face. I don't need him. I don't need anyone. I hear him call from outside the door, "Katniss, can you just hand me a pair of sweatpants and a clean shirt from the third drawer." I sigh, but comply. "Why do you have clothes at my house?" I ask. "The doctor's told me not to tell you that just yet, sweetheart." He smirks and walks away. My blood boils. I hate being called sweetheart and I hate not knowing anything. 

A/N What did you think? I actually thought this chapter was kind of funny. Love youuu.

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