Chapter 4: Reality

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Amanda's POV

I woke up, confused, sad and alone once more. I was having trouble breathing like always, but I was in unfamiliar bed. It was Jaime's Damn it. I got up slowly hoping I wasn't going to wake anyone especially her little sister. As I was walking down the steps I saw a bigger, taller figure go down as well. It was Jaime, being as loud as can be.

"Dude what the f*ck aren't your sisters sleeping?"
I said in an angry tone how rude. She had already past me on the stairs and as she reached her last step she walked backwards up, making it look easy
"Heavy sleepers, kind of like you" she smiled and continued walking up as I waited for her in the kitchen. There waiting for me were 2 pancakes how'd she know? She saw my puzzled look and answered my own thoughts
"You don't look like you eat much so I told chef John only 2, is that okay?" I nodded

"Also your mom knows you're at a friend's house, Maria contacted her last night, that okay?" I nodded again still stunned

"Wanna go to the gym after you eat?" She spoke as she took of her shirt leaving it on the counter. I shook my head "I don't do gym." She shrugged
"Okay, enjoy and make yourself at home. Oh if my sister wakes up make her cereal for me? Yeah thanks"

She ran out of the backdoor and I followed, but was soon stopped seeing the beautiful pool. Kind of looked like the Lazy River at six flags, so it was pretty HUGE.
"Help yourself" she spoke once more, tilting her head to the pool as she disappeared around the house. I turned around and nearly jumped at the sight of a little girl tugging on my pants.

"I'm hungry" she said in a sad tone. I never had a little sister nor a sibling in general but I just followed what Jaime said. I made her cereal and gave it to her she smiled. She was cute and looked nothing like Jaime. She had lighter skin, almost pale like paper. While Jaime had darker skin kind of like milk chocolate, but I didn't question anything, I was a guest and didn't want to sound rude.

"" she said I guess realizing I wasn't Jaime.
"HI I'm Sofia Kendyll PrestScott, 8 and 7/8th of age" as she stuck her hand out waiting for me to introduce myself
"Amanda....Lillian Joans, age 16" I said shaking her hand. She smiled a toothy smile. She was adorable and it made me whish I too had a sister. Then I shortly realized they don't stay as young and cute like this forever.
"Katlyn Page PrestScott " said a taller girl. This girl looked more like the younger girl, but her skin wasn't as pale. Her hair was Black while the little sisters was, well almost golden. She seemed about 17 at least a little older than me. That meant she was the oldest. She had to be

"You forgot your age" Spoke Sofia I'm glad she said it as I was thinking it. This family does that a lot

"18 be the age" she said with a straght tone.

Katlyn yawned and took my pancakes I hadn't touched them and I was fine with her eating them, but someone else wasn't.

"NO.NO.NO. Those are for her" I was guessing it was chef John. A small man shorter than me, and I'm only 5'4. He snatched the plate and gave it to me. The older girl shrugged and went back upstairs and the little one followed.
"Here are some fresh clothes, honey," said I women about a inch shorter than me giving me a pair of joggers and a Nirvana T-shirt. I guessed she was Maria the women Jaime spoke so highly about and that made me question...
"Where is Mr. And Mrs. PrestScott?" She stood there for a moment looking in my eyes as if searching for seriousness. While the short older man laughed.
"Excuse John but they're rarely ever here. So busy with work. We watch them though 24/7 or until the PrestScotts come back" she said that last part in a sad tone as if they never came back.

Mrs. Maria walked me to the bathroom where I could change and take a shower. I turned on the hot water and washed my body. Man did it feel good. After putting my clothes back on the house fell silent everyone doing there own thing. I decided to look around Maria, John, and Jacob all lived here. But there rooms were up stairs 6 rooms. Jaime's room was the biggest with a built in bathroom I guessed it was the Master sweet because I didn't see a room for their parents WOW they were never home. I found it sad being able to have parents and them just never being there for you.

These kids seemed like they were good, even when having everything. They never asked why me; a average every day person, why was I in their house like Sara would've done. Instead they treated me like family, making them food, sharing my food with them, letting me barrow clothes, letting me walk around like I own it. I thought rich people were greedy, stuck up, and didn't care for anyone that wasn't themselves. I guessed it was Maria and John that taught them good manners or maybe they were being like that only because I was here. But it couldn't have been that because it seemed like an everyday thing.

I only saw my mom in the morning and rarely in the afternoon. While they excepted that their parents were NEVER here, but they had a substitute for parents something I'd kill for. I thought it was hard to except step parents but Maria and John were more than step parents they were like a second pair of parents. Maria was like a second mom and I've only been here for like a day and felt the warm embrace of her like she wanted me to be part of their new born family. I felt safe here and never wanted to leave.

As I sat there and thought about it how lucky I was to just see my mom and how I took it for granted it made me cry. Someone knocked on the door as I sat there on the bed just staring at the door as water filled my eyes, as the world stopped spinning, as I struggled to breath, as the Door cracked open. It was Maria. When I saw her I nearly broke into tears, I tried holding in as long as I could. She came in her hand a tray of food. A sandwich, orange juice, and an apple. I guess Katlyn went back down to eat my pancake and caught her, knowing I didn't eat anything.

"This is for you" she said putting it close to my way. She had thought about me, this made me cry instantly as she sat the tray on the bed I put my head in her neck and cried. She hugged me and I hugged back. I didn't care if this was her job to bring me food because I didn't ask for it, I surly didn't want it. The fact was she hugged me back, I never got a hug from my mom since I was 12, that was 4 years ago. Having Maria in my embrace made me cry even harder. The world stood completely still, my heart was beating fast, I couldn't breath crying so f*cking hard. I felt like we were the only people there on earth. Like I was her only person she cared for.

Reality hit and hit me hard. Some people had it better than me but it felt like everyone had it better than me. All my life I was built on hoping It would get better but I stopped lying to myself years ago I excepted it can't get better at least not for me. But as I sat there out of breath in the neck of a stranger, a stranger who didn't even know me, who wasn't the mother of the kids in this house, but she treated them like she was. It made me hope again.

Hope that it would get better.

I smiled, inhaled and exhaled and pulled away. She wiped my face. Her hands were soft and I felt myself melting into her soft hands as she cuffed my head
"Breath, just breath" I shivered as a cold breeze fell on me. It felt like I had been released from all the negativity and the breeze took it with it.
"It's okay I felt it too" she smiled I guess she was talking about the breeze.

"Welcome to the family, hun"

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