Chapter 2: The Day He Showed Up

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Amanda's PO

I woke up once more with sweat, and tears as my alarm clock went off 2 min later. I got up Walked Keegan, made 2 pancakes, and a protein shake for my mother. She grabbed her keys talking to her boss, drunk some of her shake and I was out the door listing to the chumps of keegan eating my pancake. It was like this every morning nothing knew for me, but hopefully I'd make it pass 2nd period today. I liked school it was the only time I could be myself and get grades for it, but mostly what I loved was 3rd period. 3rd period was French class, the language of loooooove. That was actually the best class i was doing in. I have an 104 in that class because I do extra credit.

2nd period is my least favorite, Social Studies EW. I hate about listening to old guys fighting with fractions, counting people as real people, and how much Thomas Jefferson won to be president because if I wanted to learn math I'd be in math class right now. I actually like math to be honest 2nd favorite class with an 98, yea Im a nerd. As the 2nd period bell rung I was the first one out the door as usual. Mrs. Kamp didnt mind she hated her job too.

As I walk into class Im the first one there, which mean no arguments with Sara Cainn about "she was sitting here first" I sat at the 2nd to last row far enough she couldnt see me but close enough I could write down notes. As students filled into seats, Sara just glanced at me. Glad to know I'm not invisible today. Mrs. YYocé told us she had an annocement and spoke "We're getting a new student today" and as if that was his que we heard a noise like a loud screech from a car halting as it parked.

The blinds swung open as everyone peered at the new kid. He rode in on a motorcycle like batman in the batmobile. He wore all black, black zipped up leather jacket, black joggers, black Converse, and black helmet. Even his bike was black. He walked to the main office to get his schedule I guessed. Everyone was freaking out making assumptions.
"I bet its a hott biker boy with an 8 pack" -Sara
"I bet its a hott hipster boy with a llama" -Jovanna
"I bet its a hott cowboy with some ranch" -Jaun
Everyone laughed knowing he wasnt serious. I just sat there flipping threw my art journal.

7 min and 47 sec, later a girl with her sides buzzed cut off but the top with curly, brown/dirty blonde, hair. I guessed it was dye because it looked to perfect to be natural. She wore black and white T-shirt that read "Getting lit", sunglasses, a new black hoodie, and a arm bands from bands I've never heard of. The hott part yea they got that right. " This is Jaime PrestScott our new student" PrestScott I heard that name before.No one said a word I couldnt tell if they were impressed by her beauty or if they were mad she wasnt a he. However, soon voices filled with excitement girls swarm around her, guys envied her, everyone except me crowed around her. She seemed like the jerk, rich kid type but deep down i wanted to talk to her too.

Jaime's POV

I woke up at 3:30 and hit the Gym hoping Sofia, or katie wouldnt wake up. I got back at 5 just so see my sister waiting for me making sure I was on time for school today. Katlyn was the oldest out of the three and Sofia was the youngest, so that makes me the middle child.

"Hope you were about to go take a shower." As she threw a towel at me. Katlyn was tall 5'8 and had an emo fringe, hair cut with streaks of dark blue. She didnt smile much ever since our parents got the new job, but Sofia was the only thing that did make her happy. I got up and took a shower, dressed in all black to make my sister happy, it wasnt my usual atire I normally dressed in colored clothing. However I wanted to please my sister, and indeed I did.

I kissed my sisters on the head and grabbed my lunch box
"Thats duck o'lorange, with a spicey crab cake, a root bear and an apple" chef John yelled out.
"Thanks, Johnny boy" as I kissed my nanny Maria who was like a second mother to me on the cheek . I went to the garage surprised as dad had left me his Porche to drive but grabbed the keys to my old motorcycle. I was driving faster than most scared I was gonna be late. As i sped past cars id hear a *beep* followed by "Sorry Mrs.PrestScott" as they read the tag on my 2 wheeled car

My bike screeched to a halting stop that inturrupting my future class. It seemed like they were waiting for me. I walked to the Main office and got my papers then, walked into the class. They were loud, I could hear them from 7 classes away. They were talking about me and who I could be. I sighed and opened the door, it fell silent. Yay I already knew why it was quiet, because I wasn't a "hot boy" but a "rich kid"

See my parents own the biggest company ever. PrestScott and PrestScott. My mom worked in makeup while my dad works in TV ads. I already knew some of the kids there because they work with my dad or at least under him.

The kids ran to me swarming over me asking questions.
"Can my dad get a promotion?"
"I love your hair"
"Cool bike, can I ride?"
As I peeked over the group there was one person still sitting down not caring for my existence. I walked threw the crowd and sat down by her, and smiled her face went red. "This is Jaime PrestScott our new student " I heard the teacher say. It was quiet for the rest of the day but when the bell rung everyone swarm to me again.

"Don't forget to pick your partners for this week's French assignment." The teacher yelled as I worked my way threw the crowd I turned around searching for the girl who I sat by, but she was no where to be found

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