Chapter 1: Before him

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I just want to note out that my key board changes "it","or","in","to" and words like that to "of" Also keyboard doesn't capitalize I so I have to but I got it working later in parts of the story. BTW chapter 5 is my favorite chapter.

Amanda's po:

I woke up in a flash, drenched in sweat, and tears. I turned my head to my alarm cloock and my alarm begin to rang. I swung the sheets off and put on some old ripped jeans, a tank top, and sweater. I didn't care for how I looked like most girls, and didn't think I should start caring now that I was in high school.

I ran down stairs to walk Keegan to the park and back, while still having time to make breakfast. I made 2 pancakes and a protein shake for my mom. She came down stairs on the phone as usual, grabbed the keys and drank some of her shake. I quickly scarfed down my pancake and gave the rest to Keegan and ran out the front door into the car.It was a silent ride until later, my mom filled the car with a ringtone of "Final Countdown" and answered the phone. We never talked much anyway so I wasn't expecting any real conversation with her.

As we got near the school I jumped out the car to hear my mom yell "Love you" I knew that wasn't true but it felt good to hear it for the first time in years since dad left. About 4 years ago; when I was 12, my dad left for another women according to mom but I felt like it had something to do with more than that but when i ask she just pushes me away like she did to dad. I walked to my spot under this apple tree and checked my phone 6:20 great, school doesn't start for another 40 min. I opened my book and smiled but my smile was shortly brought to laughter.

"What are you wearing" I asked Olivia as she walked towards me with 3 hats, 2 T-shirts,1sweater, a winter coat, and earmuffs. "What are you wearing it's like 67° F out here?" "Yes, but we live in Florida" I swear when it gets lower than 70° everyone freaks out. She shrugged and sat next to me. "What are you reading this time Amanda?" I smiled "3 little pigs" she smirked "No really?" "I'm REreading all the Star Wars books" she looked puzzled "STAR WARS HAS IT'S OWN BOOKS?" I fell down to ground laughing "Of course it does silly" She told me to start the story over so she can read, but every 3 pages she would ask questions
"Is Anikan Gay?"
"I swear he's Gay"
"Yea 100% sure Anikan's gay"
It stayed like this till the bell rung I packed up my stuff and headed for thy door.

Nothing happened in first period untill the fire alarm went off. People were running screaming "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" or "MOVE OUT THE WAY" but I stayed as calm as posible and slowly walked out. That was obviously the wrong move because I got shoved into some lockers as someone turned around and said "please walk slower" It was Wyatt Voss the football quarterback. He was a thick kid with brown eyes, curly hair and had to be at least 6'3. When we were younger we'd go to his house and played tag with kids in the neighborhood. We were best friends and now we are complete strangers.I sped up so I wouldn't get shoved again. They had us standing for hours missing lunch. Apparently someone pulled the fire alarm and no one could go inside till that person coughed up. The person finally spoke and it just so happened to be Wyatt. I couldn't imagine if someone who wasn't Wyatt had pulled the fire alarms punishment wouldve been since, Wyatt only gets warnings because he's our only chance at winning state or nationals.

Instead they let us out early. I called my mom to tell her that I needed a ride so my grandmother came to pick me up.When I got home she didn't just drop me off she came inside too and made me food instead of me ordering pizza or something, the only brightside to her cooking was she made cookies. After she FINALLY left it was about 2:16 and in less than 30 min my favorite program came on. "Dance lessons with Gigi" I watched by myself because my mom doesn't get off untill 5 but when I was younger and my mom didn't have to work as hard, we watched together. Now I don't even know if she watches TV anymore.

I loved dancing. When I was 13 I tore my ACL playing basketball and I couldnt ever play the sport again. To keep me off of that bad thought i decided dancing would be my cure to fill the emptiness in my heart that the ACL took away from me. "Okay 1...2...3 GO" Gigi yelled as I danced with her today I was learning to Tango. I grabbed the mop and pretended it was a beautiful girl with long hair, a red dress, and was Latino. I almost slipped and fell as I saw my reflection in the mirror because I looked so foolish.

I went upstairs and finished reading my Star Wars episode 1 book, and when I was half way done with episode 2 I heard someone come in the house. When I was little I use to run down the stairs to see if it was my dad. I stopped running after disappointment years ago "Dinners ready" my mother yelled "Im not hungry if its Chinese food or Chipotle" I yelled back and she sighed I knew it was one of those. I took a shower and got ready for bed. As i brushed my teeth my mom sat typing up somthing. I didnt know exactly whats she did but i did know it was seriois business. I went to bed but it was just another restless night. Took me till 3am to fall asleep hoping my dad would come sneak in my widow, and take me in the middle of the night. Yes, I know what a childish thought but even "big kids" can dream too.

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