Chapter Three - The Island

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Oh yes, Another update, Although, barely anyone is reading this :P

Okay hurr you go!

Rosalies POV

Another sleepless night, In a boat, with no more food.

I stare up at the stars. I wish I could enjoy this more than I do. If Dad were here he would probably point out every single star in the sky. 


I wake up when it's still a little dark, as the boat stops rocking and the sound of waves startles me. 

I slowly and cautiously stand up. 

Oh my gosh. Is this a dream ?

I look around at a beautiful island, Palm trees, Shells, Rocks, Little animals, A waterfall barely noticeable through the trees.

I'm not going to die. Maybe there's people here. No more suffering, I can just start back off from were I was. 

With or without my family, I could possibly be happy again.

I get out of the boat and try to keep my balance, As I haven't really walked in a while. 

Once I get use to it, I run through the trees, Looking for someone, Anyone. But, no I'm alone.

I sit by the water fall and drink a handful of it. Fresh water, Oh my gosh.

The only thing good about this, Is that I am surrounded by beauty. 

Liam's POV

* 3 Years later*

" Ugh, How much longer is this stupid Plane trip going to take ?" Louis whines, Throwing his head back.

" Louis, Be patient at least you get to go to Hawaii ! " I say. He gives me a mean look. I sigh and look out the window. 

" I want a piece of cake !" He whines.

Gosh, He is so selfish. 

He stands up, Then the plane jerks and makes him fall back.

The smell of smoke fills  the air. I stand up in a panic and run to the pilot, Who's head is on the steer while a pool of blood surround it.

The plan starts flooding with water.

" HARRY, LIAM, LOUIS, NIALL, ZA-" I say before being cut off when water goes above my head.

I open my eyes and swim to the door, Banging it and trying to get it open. It finally falls open, I swim over to a big metal plate, that fell off.

Zayns head pops above water.

" ZAYN." I scream, He turns his head and starts swimming towards me, with Harry in his hands unconscious. 

He sets Harry on the door and starts pressing on his chest. Niall climbs up too.

Louis ?

"LOUIS ! LOUIS !" I scream, Nothing happening.

Oh where could he be ? Please no.



Bye lovies!

Hannah Xx

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