Chapter One - No purpose

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Hey guys, This is my fourth, and hopefully successful story ! 

I hope you like it !

Rosalies POV

July 12 2010

*BAM* Something wake me up from my uncomfortable sleep. Followed along with a couple screams. 

I get up out of my bed and try to keep my balance as the boat rocks back and fourth making it hard to walk out of the room. 

As I step out of my room a shiver runs down my spine, it's a little chilly, and the boat is Rocking alot more than my liking.

I hear more screams and Splashing, Making me panic. 

I run to the deck.

People holding on for dear life as the boat sinks. Water flooding the deck.

Not realizing how long I have just been staring in shock, The boat rocks and more water comes in causing me to fall. 

I scream, Grabbing for anything within my reach. People, Broken wood planks, Railings, So many things That I fail to grab hold of.

I slide to the end of the deck. Finally, I hold on to the rail, Attempting to stand up, I slip and fall in to the water. 

I gasp, as I come above water once again. Looking around for anything.

I swim over to a sort of broken boat. Once I get in. I look around.

" MOM, DAD!!! NOAH!" I scream hopelesly, Begging to see My little Noahs head pop out of the water, along with Mom and Dad, Telling me it's alright. But it never happens.

I sit down in the boat, Curling up in a ball. Not even caring what happens next.

I have no more famliy, No more friends, No more life.

Before I know it, I fall in to a black , dreamless sleep. 


I shiver as I wake up, Still on this stupid boat in the middle of the ocean. 

I wipe my wet, Tear stained cheeks. Swallow the lump in my throat and forcing myself not to cry.

I grab a bucket that was in the boat and start pouring the water out that has almost flooded the boat, Just like - Nevermind. I will not cry today. 

My stomach growls, Reminding me I haven't eaten in almost 24 hours.

Okay food, I need food.  

The ocean has fish ! Oh yeah ! I jump up a little to quickly and fall into the water. Clutz. 

I go underwater and open my eyes, Trying to block out the sting. A fish, Or jellyfish.

I come back up and climb on the boat. de ja voo....

I lay back and and look at the beauty of the sky.

I really wish I was up there. With them, Mom, Dad, and Noah.

I don't deserve to be here, My life has no purpose anymore.

I'm just a girl, in a boat, Waiting to die. 


I hope you liked it ☺☺

~Hannah Xx

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