Chapter Two - Maybe.

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Hey guys! This is the first time in a while I've actually updated quickly ! Alot more will be happening !

Rosalies POV

"AHH!" I scream waking up to water splashing me in the face.

Shouldn't I be used to this already ? I mean, I've been here for five days.

Yes, Five days, Five days of no food, Five days of no water, Five days of sadness, Five days of pain... I could go on and on.

I push my brown hair out of my face and sigh. 

Wait, isn't this a life boat ? Like with food ? 

I scramble to my feet and save myself from tripping, Running to the other side of the uncomfortable, Boat.

I look under the broken seat and grab a box from under it. 

"WATER!?" I scream. I grab the water bottle and chug it down. Along with a wet, gross biscuit, But It's food, right ?

This rocking is really making me nauseous. I don't know how much longer I can stand this.

Maybe, I'll go insane. Okay Never mind, Let's not think about that.

At least I have food and water for the next couple... Days.

Like I said, I'm not going to live until somebody finds me. I can only live until my food is all gone, If that. 

I had a good life. 

Mom and Dad loved me, Took me everywhere, Got me almost anything I wanted, Just putting up with me makes me feels special. 

Noah loved me also, That cute little 4 year old could always brighten my day, Make me laugh, Make me smile, Do pretty much anything I asked.

I should be happy.

Happy, I never really had it that hard, Happy I wasn't always bullied, Happy My family loved me, Happy I had friends, Happy I had food and water, Happy I had a home.

But the thing is, I'm not. In fact, I'm devastated. I'm devastated because, I'm here, In this stupid, Wet, Broken, Rocky boat.

Right now all I can wish for, Is a nice plate of food, Cold water, and someone to accompany me. 

That'll never happen. Never.

Everybody thinks I'm dead, Like everyone else, I might as well be.

No one will ever know, where I am, No one will ever find me. 

No matter how much I tell my self they will, I don't believe it.

Everyone else is at home, Or maybe at least with Someone, Those are the people that I envy, The happy people, The people that aren't lonely.

I've always been told not to have jealousy, But it's just so hard, So hard.

I even envy, Me. Not not, In my old life, How happy I was, and I still wanted more, I was so selfish.

Now, I would give anything, Just to have my life back, My family back.

Once again, That will never happen.

I'm stuck, Trapped, and alone, In this stupid boat.

Right now, I need a phone, It's Not like old times when I wanted one. No. This time, I really need it.

Maybe, if there was a heaven phone, I could call Mom and Dad, just to ask if they would take me with them, Tell them I am going to die anyway and there's no point in suffering anymore.

Or maybe, Maybe somehow they lived, and they're greiving my 'Death' right now, back in London.

Maybe, They're alive, Being happy, putting me in the past. Forgetting I was ever evan apart of their life, and the boat wreck was just another bad dream.

Maybe, They're on their way look for me, and they will show up any minute.

Or, Maybe not.

Does everyone like it ? I make it so depressing :P Mehh.

While I am away keep this in mind :

Is her family really dead ?

Will she live ?

Is this just another dream?

When will One Direction come in ?

Mmk, Bye !

~Hannah Xx

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