Stay Here Forever (14)

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I eat dinner with my family after I leave Linda, Nathalie, and Mina. We decided that we would all together go to the drudge's cabin after dinner so that I could meet Allen and Seth. Apparently Mina and Seth are on fairly good terms now. It seems strange to me that Mina could have such a complicated relationship with somebody when she is such a sweet person.

At dinner, my mothers decide that they want to talk bad about the rebellion. I can't help but be disgusted with them.

"I wish that they would stop causing all this drama," my first mother says.

"Yeah. Who do they think they are?" My second mother agrees, basically throwing her hands up into the air.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You know your Aunt Carol?" My first mother asks me, anger obviously coursing through her.

"They released most of her drudge! Now she has to get new drudge, but they government is running out because the freaking Resistance is taking all of them!" My mother shouts. I almost smile, happy for the Resistance- for the difference they are making, but I thankfully keep my poker face.

"Oh goodness, how terrible. What if they come and take our bo- drudge," I correct myself quickly, cursing my mouth.

"Well that would sure be problematic. What would be do? And just as spring is approaching? How horrid that would be," my second mother says, and for some reason it seems slightly fake.

"Oh horrible. They are such a problem. Who are we supposed to get to do our work if they take all the government's drudge?" my first mother emphasizes.

I'm starting to get really mad at my ignorant mothers. Why don't they understand that the Resistance just wants equality. It takes all my effort now to cause an anger induced scene.

My mothers continue to bitch about the Resistance until dinner is over. As soon as I'm allowed, I storm upstairs and head to Linda's room- where we planned to meet to go see the guys after dinner.

"Ugh!" I huff slamming the door as I come into Linda's room. Nathalie is sitting on the bed by her self and I throw my body into the space next to her with anger and frustration.

"What's going on?" Nathalie asks me, eyes wide with concern.

"My stupid parents are being annoying. They keep complaining about the rebellion and it's pissing me off," I say.

"They just don't understand," Nathalie says, grabbing my wrist for a moment.

"I just don't get it. Why don't they? It's not a difficult concept."

"Did you understand a year ago?" She asks me.

I shake my head- embarrassed that I didn't. "See," Nathalie says, half smiling. "When did you get it?" I ask her.

"Well... I lived in the city, you know. I didn't really get it until I moved here and met Linda and Mina. And Al," She squeals and scrunches up into a ball.

I'm laughing when Linda and Mina come into the room. "Hey," Linda says, smiling at me.

"Oh no, what did Nat do?" Mina asks, a genuine look of worry on her face.

Nathalie gasps, "Nothing!" I laugh even harder as Mina rolls her eyes and Nathalie looks offended.

"Are we going to go or what?" Linda asks, leaning against the left wall.

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