Thirty Five _ IONS

Start from the beginning

I braced on my elbow to lean over her again and gave her another peck on the lips before finally undoing the straps. I lay back down on my side and went back to looking at her, and sighed.

She really was a stunner.

And she was rubbing her wrists.

“They don’t hurt or anything, right? If they do, then you’d be the first.”

“Just numb. And just so you know, you really suck at pillow talk. What girl wants to know someone she just spent the night together with has done a lot of ‘research’ before her?”

“Well, I don’t everyday meet a girl worth waiting for to wake up so I could chat … so yeah I kinda suck at this.”

A ghost of a satisfied smile flashed across her features. “Shit, you’re a pro!”

I just gave her a grin. It is true, though. Lying beside a girl and watching her sleep in the morning isn’t what I normally do. Not after Maggie, anyway.

With a return smile, her look swayed from my eyes to behind me, probably to the watch. And the smile vanished. Yeah, it was the watch. “Jesus, is that eight?”

“Again, you got that right.” I made for pulling her close for another kiss but she clambered off the bed quick enough. “Where you going?!”

“I can’t get called up again. She’s gonna literally kick me into suspension this time.”

I leered as she went on that quest to find her clothes and put them on. By the time she finished, I was feeling hot enough to jump her again. “Come on. Stay.”

“You’re not coming? I mean, seriously, it’s eight!”

“I don’t have to if I don’t want to. I have that luxury, unlike someone.” Of course, I was going. At least, to Calculus after break. And I still had practice.

“Whatever. I’m off. See you.”

“You betcha.” I winked at her panty line which showed above the seams of her jeans ‘cause the shirt was folded in. She then smoothed it out, gave me a hurried smile and sped out the door, but not fast enough to deny me a sexy dance of that flexible hour glass.

Ah, the joys of hindsight!




**… … I know I shouldn’t even have been afraid. Yet, somehow, I was.

Only thing saved me is I actually felt disappointed for Rea when he said he wouldn’t.

Maja is one lucky chick. … …**

I didn’t show any outward sign of knowing she’d come out of the bathroom: just kept looking immersed in her diary. Well, I really was.

“What you reading?” Just as I felt the dip on the bed, the question came.

“Not that I’m head over heels for him but …”

“Huh?” I kept reading aloud without turning around even though I could feel her move closer to me.

“… he would’ve been a really …”

“What th…” Almost knocking me off the bed, she snatched it from my hold.

“What gives you the right … ”  the sentence that started with a half-yell trailed off to zero decibel.

I knew I’d get this and I’d prepared myself the moment I decided to pick the book up but when she suddenly spun around on her heels and sprinted off the distance of three steps to take refuge back in the bathroom, my heart dropped.

This was a mistake.

“Liz, Liz. I’m sorry.”

I didn’t even try the knob ‘cause I knew it wasn’t an option. But when a stifled sob sounded in return from the other side, my hands started banging on the door.

“Please, I didn’t mean it. I really didn’t. I just … I wasn’t thinking. Please, come out, Liz. Please.”

Guilt began to block my airway as my pleas couldn’t make it past her forming sobs.

“I …  I know I never should have. But please, let me explain.”

Every moment that I took her for granted came back for vengeance as I literally started finding it difficult to breathe.

“Liz, please.” Was my final attempt as I dropped to the floor, her sobs filling my ears. And I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get out of here before it really killed me.

“I will … I’ll leave. Just … don’t … .” I stopped ‘cause I doubted she’d even care.

Picking my bag which accidentally to my convenience was lying there by the bed beside me, I pulled myself off from the floor all the while to shut out my mistake taking form in her soft cries: a mistake I’d certainly not forget for a long time. It made me glad that I was already dressed for school. I knew I couldn’t spend another minute here without breaking down myself.

“Where do you think you’re going?” said a husky voice: her husky voice: in the process, stopping my hand opening the door. I didn’t turn to look at her, though. I just couldn’t take my eyes off the floor. And only then did I notice my own tears.


“What about the audition?”

“Sc … school. I’m going to school.”

A breathy scoff came before I felt her coming up to me. Her voice still didn’t lose that earlier edge but I began to hope I could still fix this. “And what is this? Why do I feel like I’m the one doing the apologizing?”

At that, I turned around. Well, I was going to before I felt her hands slip around my waist and she hugged me from behind, her head resting on the back of shoulder.

I just couldn’t put down in words the joy and relief I felt when I finally could believe she actually did that. Simple as that, I couldn’t.

“You had to, huh? You just had to, right after what I did yesterday.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Liz. I didn’t.”

“I don’t mind you reading my diary, Rea. Any other day, I’d have recited it for you. Now, you know I probably wasn’t sincere when I asked Steve that.”

Finally, I turned around. She pulled away for mere inches and looked at me, her eyes red, her cheeks still flushed. I gulped down that guilt when it crossed my mind again that I was the cause of that.

“You mean, when you asked the guy you are falling for to go with me?” It was kinda funny that we both bit our lips. I, because I didn’t know how to show at the moment the appreciation I felt to have her as my friend, and she – well, I had no idea why she did that.

“He’s just a crush. Was … just a crush.” Something inside me urged me to tease her about that but she continued before I could, “But I knew I probably wasn’t sincere when I asked him.”

My genuine smile induced the same on her before she hugged me again. And with my heart leaping in utter delectation at the notion that I hadn’t lost her, I said, “You were. I know you were. And now I know you really hate Ian.”

I felt her shake a little laughing.

“But … why do you say was?”

“Don’t start.” She broke away, giving me her trademark glare, but it only added to the delight I found myself drowning in.

“I mean, seriously? You really think he’d choose some cheerleader over someone who is … you?,?”

We both fell into a fit of laughter. But then I noticed some seriousness mixed into her eyes looking back at me.

“Now that you know one thing I’ve kept from you, you going to tell me the truth about you and Kim?”



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