Thirty _ Little Things.

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“Now as we were discussing, before our kind Ms. Nicole waltzed in twenty minutes late,” I gave him a grin as I sat down in an empty chair by the window in the middle rows, “the velocity ratio of the two bodies directly relates to their corresponding…”

This time, it was the duo of Rina and Liz that stumbled in. Instantly, her sheepish smile struck me as extremely cute.

“My, I’m amazed at the enthusiasm of my students for my class! Do join us but please after giving me your names so there’s no misunderstanding for the detention class.”

That was a bluff. This guy never really sends anyone for being late. Absence really pisses him off, though.

Baldy started his lecture again. Minutes passed. And even though all I could see was the back of her head, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

I was done denying that I like her now. Only question was ‘how’. This I knew for sure , though; she could be just another usual fling, or my hope for a family again: not both.

“Miss. Rina Haven. Please report to the office immediately. Miss. Rina Haven ..” Repeated Macy’s unmistakable voice through the PA speaker, raising alarms in my head and inducing a visible sigh from our physics teacher, who gave Rina a nod as she stood up.

“And where are you going?” He asked Elizabeth who also was set to follow her friend.

“To the bathroom.”

“One would think you’d have done that coming to class twenty minute late,” came the sarcastic remark from him which the redhead only replied with a grin and quick feet out the door.

Just before the teaching resumed, I stood up. “May I go ….”

“Sit down.”




“*How could I have burned paradise? How could I - you were never mine.

So don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. Don't lie to …*”

I gotta change this ringtone now that we’re gonna be …

“You’re gonna turn that off some time today, I believe?” came her rhetorical sarcasm almost at the same time as I got a nudge in the side from Jeremy.

“Excuse me but I gotta take this.” I blathered and got up and away to a corner of the office.

Maybe I should’ve asked for her unnecessary permission. And the principal probably showed her appreciation at my behavior but I wouldn’t know because I turned my back on them all answering the call.

“Hey, man, shoot.”

It was Ian and, even with all the likelihood that I’d be unfriending the guy soon, I couldn’t hide that blithe elation in my voice. It seemed to have induced the same in him.

“Looks like I’m interrupting something gruesome.”

“Haha, you could say that over and over again.”

He chuckled. “Can you talk?”

“I remember someone saying something about no talking at school.”

“I know. But I’ve got some good news, … so to speak.”

I could go and talk to him, actually, and get this over with once and for all. But then that would be too rude on my part towards the head of the school. I glanced back over my shoulder.

Living in Sin (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin