"Your'e really smart you know that?"

"Hmph. Yeeaaaa i know." I said smiling.

"Hmph, that's my little Spidey." With that, Wade pulls me into another passionate kiss. I seriously can't handle how sweet he is sometimes, and it's weird because most people would think of him as a heartless killer who murders for money. But he's not..at all.

We walk outside the classroom and....this bitch.


I reallly hope Peter isn't gonna be mad at me. I'm just tired of not being able to see him as much when he goes to school.....plus last night was ridiculously amazing and i had to get another look at him so I enrolled myself into this school. How i got in, i have no idea, and so far i feel really confident. I've walked around this school showing off my scars and to be honest, i haven't given the SLIGHTEST shit. It's weird though....people keep staring at me and it makes me feel uncomfortable but i just shrug them off. They really can't do shit to me. They have NNOOHHOOO idea of what i'm capable of. The only opinion i care about is the one from Peter....i just really hope i don't sound dumb during class.... Peter is really smart and every time i feel like I can help him with homework....i end up being the one confused and he has to explain it...all because i never got an education... I hate that. Time for second period.

I walk into class and a bunch of people already in their seats get up and go into the corner with scared expressions on their faces. I just sit down at my seat and ignore it. I haven't seen Peter today so far but i hope we have at least one class together. Also, the author just randomly made me legible for high-school and put me in the same class as him so THANK YOU AUTHOR!


For some reason....i'm happy....like i feel joyful right now....but...why? Peter walks through the door. THAT'S WHY! His book bag is hanging on one arm. That's pretty sexy. He slams his book bag down and starts mumbling things to himself...AAAWEE HE's GOING INSANE TOO!

I almost gave his identity away...i'm sorry but i am just too excited to see him! He looks up at me and his eyes widen a little bit. Crap, is he mad at me?


...okay so yea he's apparently EXTREMELY mad at me....

"Oh...i-i...i'm sorry i'll just go..."

"NO! ...don't...go... *sigh* I love you and that your here but...don't you feel a little uncomfortable being in public and showing your scars...?"

"Wh-what do you mean?"
Was he....embarrassed of me and how i looked?....okay wow, that hurts way more than that ugly bitch in the hallway that called me a 400 year old raisin.

"No no, baby. I love your scars, THEY'RE SEXY AS FUCK! But...how do you feel about them being seen by people other than me?.... I am not embarrassed of you at all. I would kiss you right now and- you know what i just might......but i don't want you feeling uncomfortable and stifling tears for me. That's just cruel..i know how you feel about them."

He kisses me and i kiss him back hard with the reassurance of love and understanding. Today is gonna be a good day.

The rest of class was pretty interesting. I knew a couple of answers and i surprised myself at how engaged i was. My tension span doesn't usually last for more than 2 minutes but i was actually focused. I even raised my hand but the teacher just stared at me then picked Peter. I don't know if that was because of my scars or because i'm a new student or whatever reason, but i forgot about it as soon as i turned to see Peter answer the question. I just smiled at how cute and smart he was. AAHHH he's my sexy little nerd. All the other guys i've fooled around with were either idiots, jocks, or just people who wanted sex and that was it.

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