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Sapphiras' POV.
Everything hurts. My mind drew a blank on where my dragon was. I blew her emergency whistle, but she never came. Shinely put her in the lessons' stable... huh. Well, at least she'll get ridden. The doctor came in and signed my release. I left and found Luna in a stall by herself. I went into the arena, setting myself a course that would be kind of hard for ourselves. The doctor told me to go ride a few courses and see if it came back. I left the arena doors open and tacked Luna up. She warbled at me. I stroked her scales. I scrubbed the polish off, cleaning her scales until every last one shone. I saddled and bridled her. Then I mounted. Seeing as we could talk telepathically,  I decided to do that instead of out loud.
I said "Luna? Are you ready?"
Luna replied "HECK YES! The little girl had NO idea what she was doing!"
We began laughing. I nudged her, and we entered the ring. I shut the gates and hung the 'IN USE' sign up. I got back on, and we took off. We flew a while and then began our course. We did it a couple of times, then the feeling came back. Before I reacted, I blacked out.....
Lunas' POV.
Not again! How do I keep causing this? I began to head for the doors, but they had accidentally locked from the outside. Sapphira had shut the doors into the stables, and they had locked during my heavy landing. Well, I guess I have to supervise her. The room began echoing a loud crackle, like plasma. I smelt burning and saw the pattern on her skin. I began licking my rider, hoping to help. Dragon salve was the best medicine. Her skin became rough. Scales! Click. The doors opened, and I was licking my rider. Her body was shifting into one like mine. I laughed. Of course! Role Reverse transformations! A part of what made our riders invincible! Nobody ever knew which was the dragon or the rider! I stood over my riders still body. She morphed into a teen dragon in front of Shinely. He fainted. No, Shinely! Ow. Great. I'm Shinely now! I really need to learn to control this. And now he's awake!
WHY AM I STARING AT MYSELF? A black dragon was sitting on the dirt floor, staring at its' self. I'm staring at myself. I go and stare into my own eyes. Luna?
"Get out of....me."
Oh. I'm a dragon. Cool... hey, can I fly?
I try flying, and my wings lift me above the floor. This is awesome!
I see Luna fly below me. I transform back, sorry that I'd changed back. I landed on Lunas' back.

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