New Students & Training

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I looked into the classroom. The doorway was too small for my dragon, who I'd discovered was a girl. I named her Luna, after the super lunar eclipse she was hatched on. I walked in, and the female teacher asked about my dragon. I gestured to the doorway. My dragon was trying to get inside. It eventually lied down and slid sideways through the doorway. She stood up, and everyone ooohed and awed. I heard her warble nervously. I stroked her, and her spines began glowing. I learned that meant happiness, but the blue glow was anger.
The teacher said "Class, I'd like you to meet our newest student. Sapphira Robbins,  and her dragon... sorry what was her name and species again sweetie?"
Ugg. Not this little game teachers played.
I sighed "Luna, and she's a Plasma & Air dragon. She was hatched last night."
Luna warbled at me. I stroked her head.
The teacher said "Alrighty. At 9 o'clock, please head to the sports field for your daily bonding and training exercises with Mr. Levy. Until then, you may mingle after attendance and the announcements."
She did attendance and we listened to the announcements, mainly about a loud crack last night and the new student.
After, a blonde girl my age came up to me and said "Hi, Sapphira. How'd you like it here so far?"
I replied, "I got here yesterday, and I think this place is cool."
The girl said "I'm Jem. My dragon was a Fire & Air dragon named Felix."
I said "Cool. When did you start coming here?"
Jem replied "Last week, with the other new dragon riders. The new school year started last week."
I nodded.
She said "I hate to be nosy, but your dragon is an adult already. How is that possible if she hatched yesterday?"
I replied "Superlunar eclipse. It causes Plasma & Air dragons to grow into adults after hatching. It's a solar eclipse today too."
Jem nodded and said, "How'd you know?"
I replied "Shinely & Maxwell. Those two are comical."
She nodded. We continued chatting for a few minutes, when I looked at the clock it was 8: 45! I told Jem we should probably head to the field. She agreed and we walked down to the field. A large black ring was in the center of the field. 
An involuntary "Whoops." Slipped through my lips. I facepalmed. Busted.
Mr. Levy came up to me and stared me in the face. A pair of wolf eyes stared at me, scanning. I saw them shift to grey-purple. Definitely busted.
He said "Ms. Robbins, explain the dark circle for us. I think you can do the best job of it."
I sighed "Luna?"
Luna landed beside me. I stroked her neck. A small white diamond was on her forehead.
I explained "You all know about the super lunar eclipse? Well, Luna hatched on it. So, Shinely told me to bring her out here. And she went into the adult phase! So, I apologize for Lunas' mess."
Mr. Levy said, "You're a talented liar, Ms. Robbins!"
I screeched an unhuman sound. Shinely and Max showed up. Shinely saw the dark mark, and he cringed. Max sighed. Shinely said something to Max, and Max explained the situation. Mr.Levy gritted his teeth.
A chair flew at me. I climbed onto my dragons' neck. She warbled. She took to the sky, getting us above the castle. Shinely flew beside me.
He said "I'm sorry. The growth never leaves marks like that. I thought I'd covered it up last night. Mr.Levy is one of the people against Plasma & Air dragons. I've assigned you new teachers, ones that are Plasma & Air friendly. It's a small class, only three other students. But they're all guys. You'll also be moved to the other side of the castle, the same side we're on."
Being a cat must make him talk quickly like that, with such small lungs. Either that or he's hyper on cat-nip, AGAIN!
He gestured to himself and Max, who was holding his changing feline form on. He eventually was fully human, except for his ears. They were like real cats mixed with plush cats' ears. We landed, and a howl pierced the air. Max was full bore were-wolf, but not completely wolf. I was glad to have them there, with me. I moved my stuff and plunked on the black and gold bed. The room was black and gold. Black walls, gold trim & decor. I watched the doorway expand for Luna. I fell asleep, not bothering to go back to school for today.
A voice in my head said, "Life's so hectic, isn't it?"
I agree.
Wait! Who said that? Sleep devoured the question.

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