She grabbed all of her toiletries, and brought them back to her room. As she walked it was almost like she wasn’t herself. It was like someone was pulling the strings for her. She was going through the motions, but not realizing anything that she was doing.

            When she’d gotten all of her things situated. She moved away from her bed and to the window in her room. She put her hands on the window sill and looked outside—she seemed to be finding herself looking outside, to the sky for all of her answers lately.

            She found her mid drifting away endlessly. Was Brent okay? Was he going to be okay? Was he cold, hungry, or injured?

            Most of all as she stood there she realized that she missed him, and she hoped that he too missed her. It had just about killed her when she’d heard the news about his disappearance. She felt like someone was trying to gut her insides while she was still breathing.

            Anna guessed that’s what love did to you. It made you worry about the one you loved until you knew they were okay. And most of all it made you miss them like you had never missed anyone else before.

            There was a knock on Anna’s door bringing her back to reality.

            “Come in.” Anna yelled to whoever was standing outside of her bedroom.

             The door creaked as it was opened, and then Cassie was standing inside of her room.

            “All of Luke’s deputies are busy,” Cassie told Anna, “so he’s going to be driving us, but first he has to go back to his place, and get himself some clothes and toiletries before he can accompany us.”

            “Okay,” Anna told her, her voice sounding a little croaky from all the crying that she’d done. “How long will he be?”

            “Not long. His house is only about a twenty minute drive from here. So I’d expect him to be back in about an hour.”

            “Alright, I’ll be ready to go when he gets back.” Cassie started to retreat, but Anna had something that she had to ask. “Do you think he’ll be okay” she asked as she stared down at her hands and tried not bawl her eyes out.

            “I don’t know Anna,” Cassie smiled wearily at her. “I hope he will be, but really I’m freaking out just as much as you are. I really honestly don’t know how I’m going to be able to call my parents, and tell them about it.”

            “You’ll find a way, Cass. We both will.” Anna sighed and lay down on her bed.




            “We’ll be arriving at Hobson in a couple of minutes,” Luke informed Cassie and Anna.

            It was late at night and they were all tired, but none of them would rest until they got some answers about Brent’s disappearance.

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