Chapter 11

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There's alot of P.O.V. changes in this chapter so be prepared. This chapter is also longer like I promised. Happy reading. :)

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Chapter 11

~Bella's P.O.V.~

It's been a couple of days since Ryan's party and I can't stop thinking about Luke. I don't know why, but I just do. I know he doesn't think about me though. I brushed my thoughts off and finshed packing up my room for the move.

"Hey Jennifer!" I called to her room.

"Yeah?" She said when she got to my doorway.

"Do you need any help finishing packing up your room?" I said while stacking up my last box in the corner of my room.

"No thanks, but I do need help with the kitchen." She smiled at me. Ever since she started dating Ryan, she hasn't got that smile whiped off her face. I like to see her happy though.

"Okay." I said, while walking past her to the kitchen to finish up what's left in there.

We were finally going to move tomorrow! I'm so excited. It's going to be fun getting our own house and we can party whenever we want.

I started putting our oven mitts in one of the boxes, and then I remembered that time that Jennifer totally burned her hand, even while using one! That was hilarious. Then I thought about how my kiss with Luke was hot. A burning sensation that is still lingering on my lips. Ugh! Bella! You need to stop thinking about him!

Thirty minutes has passed now, and I finished what was left in the kitchen and started walking down the hall to my bedroom, but I stopped by the doorway. I noticed something I didn't recognize. I went closer to the coat hanger and saw Luke's jacket. I totally forgot I had it the night of Ry's party! Way to stop thinking about Luke, Bella!

When will I get it back to him? I just need to stay away from him, and maybe I won't have to worry about this kind of stuff anymore. As much as I want to keep it, I can't. Omg. Did I really say that?? Someone check me into a mental hospital, because I'm definetly dilusional.

I decided to just leave it there and head up to my room to call Luke to tell him I still have it.


~Luke's P.O.V.~

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" James asked me. He's one of my four homies. There's Connor, James, Chris, and Steven. We've been through thick and thin, since about first grade, so I'd say we're pretty close.

"Um nothing." I lied. I couldn't tell him about Bella. That would be too embarrassing. He's going to think I've 'gone soft'.

"Dude, I have known you forever. I can tell when there's something wrong." James said, while looking me dead in the eye.

I avoided our eye contact and I got up to go to the kitchen.

"You can't avoid me forever Luke." James called behind me.

"There's nothing wrong James." I said simply and joined in on Connor's, Chris', and Steven's conversation. James groaned and got over it. But I didn't. There no way in hell I can stop thinking about Bella.

Then my phone rang. I picked it up and said,"hello?"

"Uhh, hey it', Bella." I heard her say into the phone. Oh my God. Speak of the devil.

"Oh hey." I said shocked, but with a smile. Even though she can't even see my face.

"Uh hold up." I said to Bella through the phone. I'm so happy she called. Just hearing her angelic voice makes me smile.

I put my phone against my shoulder and said to the guys,"hold on, I got to take this." They nodded. And I left to go upstairs into my bedroom, where I can be alone to talk to her.


~James P.O.V.~

Luke just walked out of the room with a smile on his face. There's something up with him. He's gotten so weird and hasn't been himself. I'm going to find out what's his deal.

"Okay, I'm back." I heard Luke say into the phone as he went upstairs to continue his conversation.

"Okay. Guys wanna go upstairs to listen in on Luke's convo?" I said to Connor, Chris, and Steven.

They liked my plan and they all said in unison,"Yeah!" They kind of yelled with excitement.

"Okay let's go!" I whisper yelled to them, while we went upstairs to Luke's bedroom door. I must say, he's got a pretty big house. And the neighborhood has got pretty big houses to. This must be the richer area.

I heard Luke start talking again.

"Oh you still have my jacket?" He questioned to the mystery caller. Probably a girl. I smirked.

It was quiet and then we heard him talk again.

"Don't worry about it. A pretty girl like you, should keep it. Don't worry about getting it back to me." He tried to say smoothly.

Yup'. I knew it. A girl.

The guys started to laugh.

"Shut up guys!" I whisper yelled torwards them.

They all listened to me and we continued easedropping.


~Bella's P.O.V.~

"Don't worry about it. A pretty girl like you should keep it. Don't worry about getting it back to me." Luke said into the phone.

I swooned over his words.

"Um..but it's your's." I repeated, while stuttering.

"Well don't you want a reminder of me?" Even though Luke isn't with me, I bet he's smirking.

"Anything that reminds me of you makes me gag." I insulted him.

"You don't want me to throw up do you?" I said with a sad voice and puppy-dog eyes, even though he can't see me.

"Well you didn't throw up in my mouth when I kissed you. And the biggest thing that most likely reminds you of me, is probably me." He fired back. I could hear the teasing in his voice.

"Well that's because I didn't want to get it all over your 'precious' clothes and that would ruin your 'look'. So being the nice person that I am, I didn't want to hurt your fragile ego." Now I smirked.

"Well I'm pretty sure you want to cuddle with it, so just keep it." Luke replied. This could go on forever so I decided to just finish this argument since it was getting late anyway.

"Okay. Okay. You win. I'll keep it....for now." I teased into the phone and kind of yawned at the same time.

"I knew I would win this battle, I always do." Luke said into the phone and added,"Well you sound tired, so goodnight beautiful."

If he was with me, he's probably laugh at how red my face was.

"Umm, I um..uh, thanks..goodnight Luke." I most definetly got into panic mode. I didn't know what to say. I sounded like an idiot. Luke laughed then hung up.

I'm so stupid. I left my room to say goodnight to Jennifer, and we have to get up early tomorrow to move.

I slept on the only thing left in my room. My mattress. No sheets. Nothing. Just the mattress. I finally got comfortable and drifted off to sleep with a blue-eyed, hot guy walking around in my dreams.

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Okay guiseee. That was chapter 11. I hoped you liked it. :D This was mostly a filler chapter. If you really liked it then cote!

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~xoxo Nicole~

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