Chapter 8

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Super sorry for late update. I have been busy. But have no fear, I'm here! Lol I'm so cliché. xD whateverss. Enjoy. ;)

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Chapter 8

~Bella's P.O.V.~

"What the hell?!" Is all I could manage to say.

"What was that all about?!" I managed to say something else.

Luke's jaw clenched before he looked up at me. I looked straight into his eyes and looked for any emotion he was feeling. Was he angry? Jealous? I don't know. I ran over to Ryder and crouched down next to him.

"Are you okay?!" I asked with worry filling up inside me.

"Uhh.." Is all Ryder could say.

"Oh shit." I was speechless. Ryder can't even respond properly. He's probably gonna black out any minute..

"Uhm..ugh. I'm fine Bella. I will get better. My head just hurts a little." Ryder said to me, he must really hate Luke. But the thing is, he doesn't even know Luke, and yet, he was thrown off of me by him! I feel so bad, but why did he do that?! I mean it just doesn't make since..? Why is he even here?? I didn't invite this douchebag. I rolled my eyes. Just when I thought the party was going great...

"Umm...I..umm.." Luke stutters. He looked guilty and kind of nervous, but I wouldn't blame him. I would be too if I was in his shoes.

Jennifer came in now. Probably after she just talked to Ry, because her lovey dovey smile has instantly faded.

"Oh my God! What the hell happened?!" She half asked, half yelled.

"I don't know! I was just kissing Ryder and then Luke came and threw him off of me! Who even invited him??" I said a little to harshly and hope I didn't offend Luke. Why do I even care if I offend him. I don't even like him! this what he meant by 'see my in a bit'??

"Umm..yeah, I invited him.." Jennifer said to me with a guilty look on her face.

"Why?? He doesn't even know Ryan..?" I said back with a little anger but I'm also secretly thanking her because now I get to see him. Did I just say that? Omg. What is wrong with me?

"But he knows you..." Jennifer said back to me.

"Umm can I talk to you for a few minutes upstairs??" I said as politely as I could, in front of our now small audience.

"Umm.." Before she could respond, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her upstairs.

While I was doing this, I said back to the party,"Don't worry I will be back in a few minutes with a dead body. Just carry on." I said casually but laughed it off.

As we got into the room, Jenny looked so innocent, but she is acting so fake right now.

"Why did you invite him?!" I whisper yelled. I don't know why I'm whispering.

"Because you guys like eachother, but when I called him to ask if he could come he said yes. So I thought today would go great for you guys, but obviously not! I didn't expect Ryder to be making out with you! And I didn't expect him to show up at that exact time!" She whisper yelled too.

"How did you get his number? Wait....did you give him my number??! Were you the one that told him all about me? Like my favorite places and stuff??" It finally clicked. She had set this up. But I'm kind of happy she did.

"Umm..yeah.." She said back hesitantly.

"Ughh." Is all I can think of because I'm happy, but I'm supposed to be mad.

"Are you mad at me?" She askd worried.

"No, but it doesn't matter. It's probably really akward for them down there and I think Luke should probably leave. I mean look what he did with Ryder.." I responded with too many thoughts flowing through my mind.

"No he just came, you can't kick him out. He came to see you! Don't you get that?!" Jennifer said with too much excitement.

My heart fluttered when she said that. He came here. To see me. I want him to stay, but what he did to Ryder was uncalled for. But why'd he really come? He obviously wasn't here to actually get to know me. Probably just to 'hook up' with me or 'flirt with me'. He doesn't really like me.

"Umm Bella..?" Jennifer interrupted my thoughts.

"Umm..what??" I shifted back and forth on my feet.

"You were thinking about him huh?" She said with a sly face.

"What?! No!" I said back too quickly. Obviously, she caught me lieing.

"Yess you were! You see! You want him to stay here!" Jennifer practically read my thoughts. Am I that easy to read?

"If I say yes, can we go back downstairs and fix this problem?!" I tried saying with an annoyed voice, but honestly, I want him to stay and I want to go back downstairs. Not to fix this stupid problem, but to see Luke. Something is wrong with me. I mentally facepalmed myself for my stupid thoughts.

"Yeah. But you have to say the whole sentence." She winked at me.

"Ugh fine." I said in a pouting voice. I really don't want to say this in front of her because once I say it, I won't hear the end of it from her. I rolled my eyes.

"Well are you gonna say it??" Jenny said impatiently, but still with a cheeky grin.

"I want Luke to stay here with me."


~Luke's P.O.V.~

"I want Luke to stay here with me." Is what I heard Bella say from the other side of the door.

Does she really mean that?? That makes all my anger and jealousy evaporate. Her simple words make me smile. I just came up here to find them to see if everything was okay, but I also came up here to get away from all the trouble I caused and all the attention I was getting from downstairs. But I'm glad I DID come up here, because otherwise I wouldn't have heard what she said. And if I didn't hear those words, I probably would have stormed out of this party and left behind a mess that other people would have to fix. Knowing Bella's words, I'm gonna stay here with her and spend as much time as I can with her.

I was in deep thought and snapped out of it when I heard footsteps coming towards the door that I was standing behind. Oh shit! What am I gonna do?! It's too late. The knob is twisting. I'm screwed.

Bella opened the door too fast, like she was in a rush to get downstairs and without thinking she completely walked into me and her lips touched mine. Oh my God.

She kissed me.

It was on accident, but it was still a kiss. And for those short seconds, there was a burning sensation in my body that felt amazing. The quick action sent chills down my spine. If this little 'accident' made me feel this good then I can't even imagine how good our kisses would be, if we were dating.

"Oh my God." Jennifer said while looking at both of us with a excited, yet shocked expression. When I looked back at Bella. She was just as shocked as I was. And it looked like she was trying to fight a smile that was appearing. No it's probably just me. I know she doesn't like me.

I just stood there staring at her beautiful face that I just kissed and then she broke our gaze when she darted down the hall in the opposite direction of the staircase.

Was she embarrassed? Did she feel what I felt? Did she hate it? How could she, when she said that she wanted me to stay here with her?

I am so confused, but I don't care. I just got to kiss Bella.

I kissed her.

I kissed the most stunning girl I know.

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What do you guys think?? I'm trying to make the chapters a little longer guiseee. :) Do you guys like Luke's P.O.V. ? And sorry again for the late update! If you really liked the chapter, then cote!

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~xoxo Nicole~

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