Chapter 10

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Ten chapters guiseeee. ;)


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Chapter 10

~Luke's P.O.V.~

What the hell? Why does Ryder have to ruin this for me? Again! This is so frustrating. I hope I'm not missing something. What if they used to date? This is just great.

"Umm..I'm sorry about that." Bella said while shivering and rubbing her arms.

"It's fine. Do you want my jacket?" I asked her nicely as I could, even though I'm still annoyed that he interrupted our moment.

" thanks." She responded still shivering. She's cute when she stutters.

"No. I know you want it. Here, take it." I said while taking off my jacket and putting it on her.

"Ermm..thanks." Bella looked away with her cheeks filled with pink. I was thinking about how cute she looked when she was embarrassed, then she bored her eyes into mine.

Her eyes are beautiful. They're so green. She even makes the trees and grass look dull, compared to her captivating eyes.

"Well I better go, I need to talk to Ryder." Bella said while slowly walking to the door. The way his name rolls off her tongue makes me sick. I hate him. And I hate the fact that she has to leave this room, to go talk to him when they aren't even dating. Well at least I don't think they are.

"Yeah, okay." That's all I told her before she nodded and walked out the door. This night didn't go as expected, but I'm glad I got to kiss her. The way we fit perfectly was amazing and our responses during our kiss played out perfectly. And when she batter her eyelashes, she looked so sexy. I want to do that again. It could have lasted longer if stupid Ryder didn't show up but no! He just had to come at that time. I didn't even get to talk to Bella, to see how she felt. She had to feel what I did. There's no way in hell she didn't.

I sighed and walked out the bedroom door and back downstairs to leave.


~Bella's P.O.V.~

Which way do I go? Is it a left turn here and down this hallway? Ugh. I don't know. I'm so lost in this huge house. I have to face it. I'm not going to find Ryder tonight to talk to him. He probably already left. And maybe I shouldn't talk to him. What if I just piss him off more? Why did he get all angry? We're not dating and he just goes and storms out of the room like that? I guess he was jealous, but I don't know. Sometimes guys bug me.

Ugh! I hate Ryan's house. I will never find my way out of here. I never pay attention to where I'm going and rushing through these halls to get away from a kiss doesn't help me. How am I suppose to back track?

"Need help finding your way back downstairs?" A familiar voice says behind me.

I turn around and see Luke. He's so attractive. The way his black V-neck tightens around his abs and muscles. I am practically drooling over him. Stop it Bella!

"Umm...I'm taking that as a yes." He laughed at my actions and gave me his famous smirk.

"Umm..I um.." I stutter again. I cursed to myself. I hate when I do that.

"Haha. No need to respond. I know you were checking me out, so don't make an excuse to say you weren't." Luke winked at me.

"Haha okay whatever." I didn't agree or didn't lie, so he can't make fun of me or know the truth.

"Um you're suppose to turn right, down this hall." Mr. Perfect said, while pointing to the right. Of course I was wrong. Wait did I just call him 'Mr. Perfect'?

"I knew that." I jokingly lied.

Luke laughed. Like really laughed. His laugh was like music to my ears. So perfect.

"Hey so about tonight..." Luke started to say something but dragged out his sentence. My stomach dropped and I went wide-eyed. I didn't want to talk about it. It's too soon.

"Um. Yeah?" I responded in a whisper that only I thought I could hear.

"Well I knew the first time we..uhh..kissed..was an accident, but what do you think about the second one?" Luke asked hesitantly, while we turned down another hall.

"Umm.." I'm not sure what to say. I mean, should I tell him how I felt. No. What if he makes fun of me? What if this is all one big joke? I know he's a player. And he's just getting to me. I'm not going to show him who I am yet. I'm not breaking down my walls yet. My ex made my heart break and just when I think it's healing, I can't have it break again...

"BELLA!!" Jennifer called me from downstairs. Luke groaned. I'm saved by the bell. I got scared that I was going to have to answer Luke's question. That must mean we're by the stairs.

"YEAH?!" I called back, while Luke and I got to the top of the staircase and headed down.

"We've got to leave. Everyone is practically gone and most of the party is cleaned up, but my boyfriend's got the rest under control." She smiled and gave Ry a wink.

"Awh! You guys are dating?!" I squeaked.

"Haha yeah, we are." Ryan responded for her, and gave Jennifer a simple, sincere smile.

"I have been waiting for you guys to get together!" I laughed. "I wish I was dating someone as happy as you guys make eachother..." I said with a jokingly pouting face, but behind my mask, I meant it. I really want someone I can be happy with...

"How about me?" Luke said with a smirk covering his face. Jennifer and Ryan went off to the kitchen, so they didn't hear anything.

I'm kind of sick of being the one that gets all the remarks, so I'm going to play 'his games' too, but a little differently.

"Ohh..your right, maybe you are my sexy dream guy.." I said seductively, while taking slow steps toward him. Luke was taken aback by my actions and was not expecting this. His mouth dropped and he was wide-eyed. I came closer to him and put my hands on his chest and pressed my body against his. I batted my eyelashes and leaned up, but not to kiss him, to whisper into his ear.

"Maybe if we dated, we could do this more..." I then lightly nibbled on his earlobe. I could slowly feel him get 'hard'.

"Maybe we could kiss..." I said and kissed his jaw. He was speechless.

I then slowly trailed my arms up and around his neck and ruffled my hands in his hair. Then, I leaned in towards his face. I brushed my lips against his and said,"Too bad though."

I then instantly let go of my hands in his hair and turned around with a smirk. Leaving a shocked Luke standing there. His face was priceless.

"C'mon Jennifer let's go." I grabbed my bag and followed Jennnifer out the door after she said her goodbye's.

But right before I closed it, I turned around and gave one last wink to where Luke was still standing and said,"Goodbye 'dream guy'." And banged the door shut.

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Sorry for the late update. And sorry for the short chapter. My next one will be longer. ;) if you really liked the chapter, the cote!

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~xoxo Nicole~

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