Epilogue~ Let me Grant you a wish.

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Xxx Gabriel's P.O.V xxX

Sitting in the living room with mum and Thalia who wouldn't leave my sight..even though it was like a week tops after the whole ordeal happened, school has gotten better..Drama just just had its first showcase..and everyone including Theo attended, Then the next night where it was the music showcase while me and Regina did a Duet for Theo and Cyrus and Theo sings it every single time when hes around me..Tracey and josh started going out and Theo's pack have a better understanding of their powers and my pack are still the biggest little scene queens you will ever meet, and Kimi hangs out with Lydia and the girls from Scott's pack and we all hang out in a big group in and out of school..my siblings finally treat me like im an equal and I do the same, and dad and I have heart to hearts..and mum loves that..grabbing my Vibrating phone from my pocket.. 

My Alpha Mut <3 : babe meet me at the gym, urgent.

Blinking..what could he want? mum and Thalia look at me..nodding getting up and quickly putting a jacket on, today was sweatpants day..public or no public..pulling the fur hood over my head..getting a bus and quickly dart for the gym seeing Theo is the only person in the room...walking and taking his shirt..off..face and feeling flushed at the tan torso he notices im there, waving "Do you need something?" inquiring..trying not to look at him.."Well, ive been thinking more and researched Jinn contracts" my eyes turn to him "I want to do something in Return" shacking my head in response "No, I told you, you guys just being free was good Enough-" he covers my mouth "Gabriel" his tone was Dead Serious "As your boyfriend and your mate please let me return the favor" remaining Silent "Tell me a wish and ill grant it" laughing at the irony "come on Genies must have desires of their own" he smiles at me "ill make it happen" blushing.."okay, I want a romantic.." lip biting.. "Night out" he smiles "your wish is my command" he smiles "wish or not, you could of just asked" smacking his bare arm..fingers stinging fuck its like a rock! "you know me, its hard to admit stuff like that" rubbing my arm "Ill meet you at your place tonight and 7" full kiss to the lips as he turns around to get back to his workout slapping his ass "GABRIEL!" Vanishing into a puff of black smoke..returning to the living room "What did he want?" Thalia inquires.."Romantic night out, 7" her eyes widen "ITS 5.30" turning my head to the clock.

"FUCK!" we both run into my room my sister rummages through my clothes while I quickly washed my hair and body..storming back in..She handed me a Black and white Striped T-shirt, Denim overall suspender shorts..Red converse, Beanie and a Black and Blue Flannel jacket wrapped around my waist.."6.50" we both high five walking down stairs.."Night out?" Leroy asks "Yup" sitting on a stool with him "Kid, better not hurt you" shrugging "ill deal with, it but I know he wont" hearing a knock on the door..going to answer it..Theo, in a White V-neck..Black leather jacket, Jeans and Brown army boots holding a white bouquet of Red roses "Woah" we both say at the same time.."you look Beautiful" he leans down to fully indulge with a kiss..he gives me the flowers "ill take those!" my sister skips off to manipulate water into a vase then putting them in "Ready to go" nodding "Yeah" feeling my heart beat rise..heading out the door..he drives us to a Restaurant opening the door "gentleman" both of sharing a light giggle.."Table for two!" theo asks the fancy dressed man "Theo Raeken" the man nods escorting us to the back of the Restaurant it was all lit with a candle, rose in the vase and everything..

"After you!" he pulls up my seat.. "Geez a simple Pizza and a movie would of been nice" Feeling flustered his face scrunches up "No,no" Theo Reassures "this how you want me to repay the contract, then im going all out" now my face drops "I told you the contract dosnt matter" huffing "baby, least let me, give you a Granted wish" he leans over the table "Please, I wanna make this a perfect night for you" Sighing "I know, you can here me" looking at him "Fine" he smiles like he just one the lottery..rolling my eyes..We ordered from the menu, and saying thank you to the waiter who served us..starting to eat this fancy asf! chicken dish "So-" Theo breaks the Silence "Whats, it like in New york" staring at him..dropping my fork.."umm, you dont have to answer-" shacking my head "lets just say, new york is a nice place to stay, not to live" he raises a brow "I was bullied alot, there even by my so called Friends" my eyes rolled "thats kinda why, i like it here know" smiling "You, and Everyone else" looking down.."Did you have any past Relationships?" face drops even more "one, but he was a hunter and abusive.." holding where my scar was.."Babe, I didnt-" I knew anger was surfacing inside him..which was a nice feeling..a protective angry "its fine, I broke it off with him, by moving here" looking down "in all honesty I wish I never see him again, like everyone else from new York" grinning "I Have, you and Regina, Scott" Theo..smiles gently "you guys, just give me what I need, just friendship..and companionship  is enough Repayment as it is" he crosses his arms "Explains why you dont want anything in return" blushing.."But, still im going to repay you" he asks for the check and insisting he will pay for it..walking out the Establishment..

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