Chapter Six~Lost and Found..

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(picture Above is Thalia) 

waking up..not knowing how I slept since I cried all was a Sunday morning..walking out into the Living room to only see my sister.."All you do is just stare dont you?" she shrugs "its not my place to say anything" Scoffing "yeah but then you, go chatting up a guy you want?" she chuckles "unlike, Leroy or dad" she stands up "We both have common sense like mum" she gestured to sit on the Couch with her..hesitantly doing so..leaning against her..crying.."What ever happened" sobbing "we used to all be so close" holding my face.. "in all honesty it was Leroy, who deiced to be mean to you" she was holding me in her arms "But, im not Leroy and in all honesty its his fault our relationship..shattered" looking at her "your my baby brother" she smiled "dont be afraid to talk to me, like we used to Ill always have your back" smiling "I love you" she plants a kiss on my forehead..

"morning, you to" we both shoot see mums smile on her face..confused..and scarred "your not mad at me?" she shakes her head "Dark jinn, or not I couldn't hate my own child..or any child for the matter" she hugs me "I love you baby boy" looking at her..Seeing Dad walk in he just stared at me.. next thing I know he was standing right in front of me "I need to teach you, the Advanced jinn lessons" he me "your a powerful kid, gabs always knew it" slamming into a embrace with him.."im sorry for hiding it.." dad shakes his head "its okay, you had all the reason in the world" seeing my brother in the corner of my eye..looking away "You wont be so lucky next time" she scoffs was he grinning? nodding "Anytime" we both smile at each other.. 

"I gotta hand it to you" Leroy Starts "I kinda gained a new respect for you, kid" shrugging "have fun training with dad" he walks off..blinking "did that just happen" Thalia comments "it did" looking down "now about theo" dad starts, I told them all everything from start to finish..apart from the sex..and whatnot.."okay, thats hard" blinking "but your a jinn, you can bend reality from will or by influence" blinking.."just do you boo" my sister winks groaning my family are fine but the pack is another..thing..


Walking around the woods, at night bad idea..for a mortal..sitting on a stump looking at the moon..and clearing my head.

"This the kid" A Tall guy appeared from the bushes then a guy appears out of magic..was he invisible..wait it was "Corey?" he waves "thats Gabriel, the Dark jinn" a girl walked from the darkness also.."poor kid" shacking her head..wanting to slap the bitch "Wow, Gab dark jinn" my jaw drops "HAYDEN!" Corey and Hayden were Liam and Masons ..shrugging it off "What do you freak shows what?" crossing my arms "Well?" questioning their presence "what do you want?" seeing the other girl squint at me "something wrong princess?" she raises a brow "I wouldn't want to Fuck with me honey" she smiles "I like you" she admits "why thank you dear I try" looking over to the other boy "Your name?" titling my head "josh" smiling "nice to meet you" breathing "so why are you being creepers in the middle of the woods?" putting two and two together "oh..your Theo's pack.." my emotions flatten abit.."Theo wanted us to cheek up on you, after he saw you beat the living shit out of your brother" gagging sweet gesture, not feeling it.."thanks but I don't need to be baby sit, and Theo should know" Tracey shrugs "you know what I dont get" sitting back on the stump "Why, he told me to stay in the Mccall Pack" Tracey walks up to me "kid, we are with the dread doctors" oh tell me something I dont know "he dosnt want you getting mixed up" uggg, I want to be Furious with Theo "fine. Tell the idoit thank you" 

"oh Im a idiot that hurts" turning to see theo standing with Corey and josh "its hurts Baby it really does" Grunting "well you know what else hurts, Dear" growling the last word "you just playing mind games from your boyfriend you Ass hat!" he had the guilt on his face "im sorry, but Tracey tells the truth" he defends himself "you need, to stay in Scotts group" raising a brow "Because our group" "Because im Scared for your Safety, and the dread doctors are to strong" something in me snaps "your saying im weak" Theo steps back "No..I" he bites his lips "ARE YOU CALLING ME WEAK!?" Going into my bag and grabbing my Whip, Yes I have a whip Striking him with it..wrapping it around him throwing him by his body wait..hearing the thud from the impact he had with the tree Growling lashing the whip at him again and again, twirling my body around and stepping and moving around like a Graceful ballerina theo charges for me tripping back onto the tree...Gasping for all the other memebers of his pack rushed foreword..he stops them "I-I" pushing him out they way "Gabs your not weak" Theo protested "I just dont want to see, you hurt or ill go ape shit!"he screams...god damn his hold on me "S-Sorry" looking away.."is good" he reply "all of you can go home" he commented seeing the lot of them Vanish   into the darkness of the woods.. "fuck, I didnt know you could use a whip like that" he breaths "fucking hell" he finishes "well, lets just say, its a mother son thing" he shrugs and kisses me..oh god how I missed his lips and his warmth "im so sorry, I had to put you through this" he steps back "I cant free myself from the dread doctors even if I wanted to.."

Free, him..maybe when I learn how to make...

"I think, I could manage" blushing "what?" he grips on my hand "nothing" he just leans in to kiss me again..

Maybe, I could do something..and I know just who to turn to "Baby" he purrs into my ear "what?" blinking "I missed you" rolling my eyes "you to mutt"...             

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