Chapter Eight~ Dreams and Reality pt. 2

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(picture Above is Alexo) 

Everyone's running through the creepy halls of this place  getting a visual on Hayden "Mason!"Corey Yells, she facing off against Liam..and Mason Alexo! "Yeah yeah" he mutters flying over her..sprinkling yellow Fairy dust.."Cant M-move" she struggles in her were Jaguar form "Hayden.." walking up to her "im hearing the voices Gabs" Liam walks up "Gab-" I nod at liam "ill free her just trust me..please" I know his Explosive anger is being repressed feeling the tention..inside him..Seeing Corey hug mason "Hes Freed me Mason" liam turning to face him.."Please so it for her" nodding putting my palm and her forehead "I will" closing my eyes..seeing her in a examining room..hiding in the door way.. to see and dead and cut up liam and shes just standing over him chained to a wall just to see a dead...what the fuck are wrong with these doctors...

"Hayden" walking through the door..clicking my fingers as I free her from the chains..and the whole scene changes into the forest thing from corey's...Transition "your in a trance the dread docters use to control you" she blinks "I can set you free with a wish, your Deepest Desire" smiling "But I think I already know this.." she nods "Set me Free, and I want to be with Liam" clicking my fingers "your wish is my command" the whole sparkle things happens again "Liam" she Screams and cries into him "im free, he freed me!" Liam smiles "you cant tell scott im here" he nods "Corey stay with mason" corey nods and they both mouth Thank you..before a bunch of goons walk in, grabbing out my whip "Ill cover you" Corey and Hayden charge with liam and mason..while Kimi and Cyrus.. hide and travel through the vents, while Alexo shrinks and goes into my coat pocket tranforming into my Smoke form along with Regina..going through the door...running a couple halls down..till it was safe to return to my normal form... and Alexo does the same Kimi and Cyrus stay in their animal forms and Regina stands next to me "Cyrus if you please!" sending sound waves around him..his body moves and adjusts with his twiching ears...

"Tracey, Down stairs second hall" next Stop..Tracey... 

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