Ch. 23

454 18 4

Yejin p.o.v:

I arrived at my mother place, "Omma, I'm here!" I called out.

I heard footsteps running, "OMOO!!! I miss you so much! Come here, give me a hug!"

I ran and have her a big giant hug, "I miss you too mom, how's it been?"

"Here let's go and sit down first. Now before I tell you how I been doing, why did you come back? Did something happen?"

I hesitated, "It's nothing.....I'm just going through a lot of stress right now. I just wanted to come and stay with you for a while."

She gave me look, "Are you telling the truth?"

I nodded my head, "Hmmm.....Ok then if you say so. Why don't you go put your stuff in the room and come back down and I'll make you something to eat."

I went up to my room, I open my door to see nothing has changed. I smile, oh how much I miss the smell of home. I flop myself on my bed, this feels nice. I got up to put my things away when a box caught my attention. What's this? I went to open it up to see letters. I picked one up, the writing is so childlike. How old is this letter? I read it to see it was from Min Yoongi.....MIN YOONGI?! I dug out some more letters to see all of them were mainly from Min Yoongi. There was a piece of paper with a letter. I open it to see it was a location.

Location: the park by your house
Where: under a orange tree, surrounded by bushes.

That must be where the time capsule is! I ran out, "Yejin? Where are you going?"

"I'll be back, I just need to go somewhere."

Then my phone rang, I look to see it was Eunseo, I answer,

Eunseo: I heard that you moved back in with your mom?
Yejin: did you find out?
Eunseo: Jimin called Sojin and told her everything. Why didn't you tell or talk to us about it Yejin!!
Yejin: I didn't want you guys worrying about me. So I just didn't say anything.
Eunseo: YA!! What are we then?! You better stay right there, we're coming to see you.
Yejin: Fine, do whatever you want.
~end of convo~

I just chuckled and out my phone back in my pocket. I followed this little map that was drew on this paper. Let's see.....go around the right corner of my house then go straight and after that I'll go to the left. There I saw a park I never know about well now I don't. I walk slowly, then images started to form in my head.

~mini memories of them playing at the park ~

Author p.o.v:
Yejin was on the swing while Yoongi was doing something else.
"Minyoooo can you push me please?"
"Push yourself!"
"Ugh, ok fine."
Yoongi gets up and go pushes Yejin.
"WEE!! Higher!"
"Ya, pabo-ya you'll fall if I push you higher."
"No i won't, you'll catch me!"
"How am I suppose to catch you from here?"
Yejin didn't listen to him and so Yoongi gave up and pushes her higher.
"Minyo, you should swing too! Its funnn."
"Ehh, I'll just stick and keep pushing you."
"Really? Yay!"
Yoongi just chuckled at Yejin.
~end of first mini memory~

~second mini memory ~
"I want some of those oranges." Yejin said, pointing at the orange tree.
"It's too high, how are we suppose to reach those oranges?"
"We can shake the tree!" Yejin suggested.
"I guess."
So they push and shook the tree. They successfully got some oranges to fall to the ground. Yejin picked one up and gave the other to Yoongi.
"This is sooo sweet!" Yejin said.
She hands Yoongi a piece from her orange.
"It is, I didn't expect it to be this sweet."
Yoongi was having a hard time to peel his orange. That's when the orange juice ended up squirting to his eye.
Yejin jumped and looked at Yoongi.
"Are you ok?"
He nodded his head, "Im fine..."
They looked at each other and just laugh.
~end of sec memory~

~many memories came back to Yejin as they came here to play~

Yejin p.o.v:

I chuckled, I still can't believe THE Min Yoongi from bts is my childhood friend and first love. All I remember is the time we hang out here. There I saw the orange tree. I quickly ran to it and saw some bushes around it. It must be around there! Ah darn, I forgot to bring a shovel-.- oh well I could use a rock or something. There was a huge rock beside me,  I'll use this!

I started to dig up in a random spot. Hmm, it seems like it's not here. I move to a different spot, still no luck. Just where did we put this time capsule? I moved to another spot and finally I think I found it. I dug some more when the rock hit something. I quickly dug around it and there was a box.

"I finally found it!" I said, grabbing the box.

I blew the mud off the box and opened it. There was a item and a bag. I picked up the item to see it was a carved turtle. I love turtles, this one must be mine. I always wanted some sort of carving as a kid. I wonder what's in this bag, I open it to see a really messy uncoordinated bracelet. Why would he put this in here? Then it hit me, I made this for him on his birthday! He told me he didn't want it and gave it back to me. I was sad but I decided to give it to Woohyun instead. Don't tell me...he went and took it back. I smiled, he could've just kept it instead of saying he doesn't want it. I'm starting to remember everything but the only thing is missing is how I lost my memory.

"What are you doing?" A voice said behind me.

I jumped and quickly put them back. I turned around to see it was Minsoo-.-

"What are YOU doing here?" I asked him.

"I asked you first, what's that behind you?"

I fumbled and put the box back to the hole and covered it.

"Nothing, how did you find this park?"

"Nothing? I don't think so, you dug up so many holes just now."

"I-I was just digging for fun what else. Answer me, how did you find this park?"

"Did you forget I also live in this neighborhood? I found you running to somewhere so I decided to follow you. I wasted my time to see you here looking for a park."

"Not my fault you followed me. Now move, I need to go back."

"What the hell? What were you doing just now?"

"NOTHING! Mind your own fucking business Minsoo oh my gosh."

He just looked at me as I walked away. Shit he scared me, he didn't see it right? I hope he didn't see it and go telling somebody.

Minsoo p.o.v:

What the heck was that, she gets mad way too easily. I looked back at where she was, just what was she doing? I walked towards the holes she just dug up a minute ago. I swear I saw her holding something behind her back. I bent down to uncover and saw a box. What's in here? I opened it to see some really really old stuff.

"What are these? They're so old, what does Yejin have to do with this."

I picked the items up and observe them, is this what he wants me to looks for? Eh, I closed it and took it with me.


Taking a short break from studying, sorry if this updation was a bit boring. What will happen now? After Minsoo shows this to Woohyun, what will happen to Yejin? Read more to find out^.^

Where Are You? (Suga Fanfic) {Completed}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu