[Lay] Dance With Me?

Start from the beginning

What a nice voice and a good build? Who is this man? I need to know more than just his name... He led me for the dance so well.. 

Lina continued to wonder around the ballroom, finally getting the punch she was going to get. 
As she walked around, she spent time searching for the same masked man. She wanted to know more about this young man. She found him dancing with another girl who was smitten by his looks and she sighed. She will never forget her first dance, with Yixing. 

// about a month later //

"WAKE UP LINA! YOU ARE SO LATE FOR SCHOOL! THE BUS IS WAITING AND YOU ARE SO SCREWED IF YOU REFUSE TO WAKE UP! IT IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AND YOU BETTER WAKE UP! I PREPARED BREAKFAST AND A LUNCHBOX FOR YOU ALREADY SO COME DOWN NOW!" Lina's mother yelled from the kitchen as she packed Lina's lunch into tupperware for her to bring to school. A few minutes later, Lina drags her feet and walks down the stairs, grabbed the tupperware and dragged her feet to the door. Lina reluctantly opens the door and went on the bus, only see to realise there is only one seat left on the bus, right beside Y-i-x-i-n-g. 

Oh my god. The boy I danced with. Yixing. Without his mask he looks so good. He is attending school too? Oh my god. Lina's thoughts were running furiously through her mind and she quickly sat next to Yixing, who was looking outside the window with his headphones on. He turned and looked to see who was sitting next to her. 

Ah, fellow schoolmate. Hmm.. She looks familar... Yixing was stuck at recalling her name, he smiled at Lina and turned back towards the window. Lina smiled back, thinking Yixing recognised her and she tried to initiate a conversation. 

"Hello Yixing! We meet again huh."

"Hi... Sorry, I can't seem to remember your name, your name is?" [Author's note: sorry i have to say this, 4minute's What's Your Name came into my head.]

Yixing's reply shocked the hell out of Lina. Did he just forget who I am.

"You don't remember me? I danced with you a month ago and you taught me how to dance... Remember?" Lina was trying to jolt Yixing's memory. 

"Dance? I don't remember dancing with any girl a month ago except my mom... and why would I dance with a girl?" Yixing was still blur about the situation.

"The opening ceremony ball! I stepped on your feet and you yelped but you continued to teach me anyway!"

"Ah, that ball... I danced with many girls that night. How would I remember your name. My memory is bad too, so it's impossible to remember any names if I don't see you consistently." 

"MY NAME IS LINA!" Lina's voice spreaded and the bus instantly quietened down, with only her voice echoing through. She realised the awkward atmosphere and decided to shut up and hide her face in her bag, like an ostrich hiding its head into the ground. 

"Oh, Lina. I think I remember now. The girl who was in... black dress?" Yixing finally recalls. 

"Yes black dress. FINALLY." Lina got out from her bag and smiled at Yixing. 

But I'm Lay now. No longer Yixing. Or at least people don't call me that anymore. This girl, she... she actually called me Yixing. Yixing could not help but stare at the girl.

Lina felt the intense gaze and turned back to look at Yixing. 

"I'm Lay now, so I hope you can call me that instead. Yixing's a name I wish no one would ever call me, ever again." Lay finally spouted it out. 

Eh? But I am so used to remembering him as Yixing. Lina was dumbfounded. She nodded but all she could remember is Yixing and not Lay. 


"Zhang Yixing." The teacher called.

"It's Lay seonsaengnim. I'm not Zhang Yixing anymore." Lay solemnly replied. 

"But the register says it's Yixing-"

"Just. Call. Me. Lay." Lay's voice got deeper and fiercer. It seems as though there is some bad memory held together with the name Yixing and he wanted to forget it. 

The teacher was pissed at his attitude, but considering that it was the first day of school, she simply ticked his name off and went on to do her roll call. 

Why the fierce mood? What happened to him in a month? Why did he change so much? Lina was curious too. 

// after school //

"Yixi- I mean LAY! You want to grab some food to eat?" Lina called out to Lay, hoping he would say yes. 

"Uhm, no thanks. Maybe next time. Thanks for the invite, Rina." Lay spoke and left the class, leaving Lina speechless.

"Oh okay. And it's Lina by the way... Not Rina or whatever you called..." Lina mumbled. How could someone so good looking have such a bad memory?!


"MAAAA! I REFUSE TO DANCE!!!!! THE OPENING CEREMONY BALL WAS BAD ENOUGH! I DON'T WANT TO DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!" Lina was screaming as she resisted her mother from piling up dresses for her to try. 

But well, mothers do have their ways of finding out things, especially their daughter's weaknesses.

"If you go, I'll ask the boy you like to teach you again. What was his name again? Yixing?" 

"It's Lay now Mom." Lina was shocked to know that her mom knew about her crush, but her heart was beating faster at the mention of his name.
"I'll go, if you let me pick the dress I want. The halterneck last time was too revealing and I don't have anything to reveal. I am as flat as an airport runway can be. Don't force those figure hugging dresses on me please." Lina gave up arguing with her mother and gave in. 

"That's my girl." Her mother smiled.


"I wonder if I can find him..." Lina looked around, noticing her friends dancing with the jocks of the school. 

I see Kai, Kris and Jongdae... There's Tao... Minseok... Junmyun. Lina was counting the 12 hottest jocks of the school, because Lay is one of them. 

Hmm, Sehun is here, Eyeliner baekhyun is here... Where is LAY?

"May I have this dance?" A deep voice asked.

"But, I can't dance." Lina rejected. 

"I can teach you." The deep voice replied. 
Lina looked up, only to see a masked man once again. The same mask, the same suit. It was Lay, no YIXING! Lay had become Yixing! Lina got dragged onto the dance floor, where everyone suddenly stopped dancing to look at her and the masked man. 

Deja vu much. Lina thought as she danced in sync with Yixing. Hey, I can dance. I am dancing well. Should I ask about the split personality?

"Are you Yixing?"

"Yeah, how do you know?" 

"We danced before."

"Oh... Well I don't remember names. What's yours?"AH! Bad memory, definitely Yixing.

"Lina. Just Lina."

"Well hello Lina. You dance well." HA! ME? Dance well? That's almost impossible. But I am... Lina

had not made any error in dancing yet. 

"Yixing... "


"You are Lay, right?"

The moment Lina mentioned 'Lay', Yixing let go of her entirely and walked away, with the 11 other jocks following as though on cue. But I just wanted to know why are you hiding your identity. 

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