"I guess we will find our other half Kara, who knows they could be closer than we think."

To make myself seem less serious I add a wiggle of the eyebrows at the end which earnt me a chuckle and a cushion to the head.

"You're such a cheese ball Oli if only the fans could see this side of you. Your hard exterior would be shattered."

"Oh you wouldn't dare Kara, you love the cheese and the hardness."

She rolls her eyes at me and sits up removing her legs from my lap.

"Oh yes Oliver I just love all your cheese and damn your hardness is second to none. Wait...no that sounded wrong...forget I just said that."

It was hilarious to watch Kara get flustered over something so little.

"I don't think I ever want to forget you said that love, now I know what you think about at night"

"Shut up Oli."

I shake my head. This was going to be fun.

"Make me love."

"Oh, I will make you Oliver."

Next thing I know she crawls onto my lap and puts her hands over my mouth to silence me. I was a little surprised by her actions, I'd been dropping subtle hints all week and now it looked like she'd conned on.

"See I told you I could make you Oliver."

I quirk an eyebrow before a childish idea comes to mind. I lick the palm of her hand and she soon recoils and fake gags before wiping her hand on my shirt.

"Bad Oli."

There wasn't a lot of space between us now and if Kara shuffled anymore on my lap then she already was, I'm pretty sure she'd see how hard I could get. I feel her eyes linger on my lips before they meet mine, she goes to speak but I cut her off by leaning forward and capturing her lips with mine taking control. She gasps and parts her lips enough to give me full entrance. If she wasn't comfortable she could pull away but she didn't.


Shit, Oli was kissing me. And I was kissing him back. I should pull back but a small nagging part of my brain told me to go for it. If we were going to do stuff then we might as well up the game to the next level. I wrap my arms around his neck and fight against his tongue for dominance, but I put up a losing fight because Oli knew what he was doing.

"Don't even try and challenge me Kara, I'm in control."

If he was really in control then he wouldn't mind if I 'innocently' shifted on his lap and moved one arm from around his neck, and trailed it down his shirt until I reach his trousers and start to palm him through the material. Oli moans against my lips and I can't keep back my smirk.

"I thought you were in control Oli."

I bat my eyelashes and next thing I know he growls and lifts me up, before throwing me back on the sofa and crawls on top of me trapping me. I attach my lips back to his and he kisses me rougher before biting down on my lip making me gasp, the tables had turned. He smirks cockily and strokes a finger down my face.

"I'm going to show you just how much I've wanted you this last week Kara."

I thought I was the only one giving off subtle signs this week. I didn't have time to react before Oli moves his lips to my neck and starts to kiss up and down the sensitive skin scattering little bites in between, no doubt I'd have a hickey or three. I tangle my fingers in his hair as he continues his assault.

"Tell me you want me as bad as I want you, Kara."

I don't need to think twice about my answer before I lock eyes with Oli and smile lustfully.

Drop Dead (Oliver Sykes/Bring Me The Horizon) *COMPLETED* Where stories live. Discover now