Chapter 3

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Fiddleford smiled cheerfully. "Now that I'm thinking about it..." He pulled a folded piece of paper from his back pants pocket and unfolded the wrinkle filled pink slip of paper that still smelled faintly of printer ink. "Pardon, it's actually my first day on, let's see, my room's just up ahead as well!" He laughed "Maybe we're neighbors!" The two walked down the hall when Ford stopped in front of a door. "This is it...." He said in a timid almost unnoticeable voice. Fiddleford looked confused for a moment and glanced back down at the sheet of paper. "Well, we aren't neighbors." Ford gave a confused look at Fiddleford. "We're roommates!" Fiddleford blushed slightly and laughed it off. Ford felt his heart sink into his stomach as his face turned a bright shade of red and he tried to hide his face. "That's great!" He forced a painful laugh. Truthfully he was happy they turned out to be roommates. It's better than him being stuck with someone like that jerk from earlier but at the same time he felt incredibly nervous to share a room with Fiddleford. He didn't quite know why though. He swiftly unlocked the door and bolted inside to the already cluttered room. There were towers of books and papers everywhere you looked. "Sorry about the mess, I forgot I would be sharing the room." He said nervously as he tried to clean off what would be Fiddlefords' bed. "No worries Stanford!" Ford stopped the cleaning for a moment. "You can call me Ford if you'd like." His voice was still a bit quiet. "Alrighty then, Ford it is!" Fiddleford let another bright and cheerful smile cross his face, causing Ford to blush again. He stared down and tried to finish tidying up for his new roommate. Fiddleford picked up a box and couldn't help but give a small chuckle. "We'll have to play sometime." He shook the box, titled 'Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons' lightly. "You like D,D and more D?" Fords' face lit up with joy. "Who doesn't!? Well actually, unfortunately a lot of people but that's besides the point," Ford couldn't help but laugh at his new friends' joke. "In all seriousness, it's my favorite game!" Fiddlefords' sweet voice said full of excitement.
"It's my favorite game too!" Ford was ecstatic that his roommate shared his interest, considering people rarely did.
Fiddleford was happy as well, he couldn't hope for a better roommate, even though they just met he could sense something great in them.

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