Chapter 29, Flying through the skies

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I'm sitting here on the plane, ready for take off. I'm a bit afraid Zak will come on the plane any second, and bring me back to the hotel, and have me face the rest of the crew, and then impale me, after he stabs me, but before he beheads me. I face the window, and clutch the tattered armrests.

"Scared of flying?" I hear a voice ask. I turn to the voice. It's my plane neighbor- person.

" Yeah," I lie, looking at my plane buddy. She is a older women.

"I'm Nancy," She says.

"I'm Carmen," I say and shake her hand.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Home, you?"

"Oh, work, I'm in travel." She replies, " Don't ever work in travel, it's  a living hell."

We both laugh.

"Are you. . . " Nancy asks, looking at my stomach.

"Yes," I say, and fold my hands to my tummy.

"Oh," She says,  "You look young."

"I'm 29." I lie 


I quickly switch the subject, and we talk for the rest of the flight. When the flight ends, we both say goodbye, and part ways. I go through checks and more checks, before I am allowed to live the airport. Home Sweet Home, I think as I walk in the warm air of Las Vegas. I call a taxi, and tell the  taxi man my address, and feel the butterflies  in   stomach as I had home. 

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