Chapter 16, food and ghost hunting

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What was I thinking, I think as I look in Carmen's eyes, which are bright and full of desire- for me. She leans in for another kiss, and I back away, and she walks toward me, confused like 'didn't you want to kiss me?'. I open the door and run down the hallway.

" Why do you keep running from me Zak? I love you and you love me, you can't change that! We can make it!" Carmen cries, her eyes full of tears.

"Just leave me alone ok?" I yell, as I press the button for the elevator, and quickly step inside, and press the button for the lobby. Just before the elevator begins to go down, I hear banging on the other side.

"We can make it Zak,  I swear we can!" I hear Carmen say 

When I get to the lobby start to think, what am I going to do? I'm falling for Carmen. I mean, she's like 17, and I'm almost 20 years older then her. What the fuck am I going to do? Tell we can't be together, and make this all Romeo and Juliet? Or have like a relationship with her, and have her parents pissed with me? I walk outside in the crisp cool air, and jogg to the car where Aaron, Jay, Billy,and  Carmen sit waiting. When did Carmen get in the car? I didn't notice her go pass me in the lobby. I opened the car door, and get inside. 

"Hey man, what took you so long?" Billy asks putting on his sunglasses, and starting the car

" There was some other people in the elevator," I lie looking out the window

"Oh," Billy says, pulling out of the parking space, " We were thinking Paula's Barbecue before we head out for the investigation" He looks at me, to see if that's  okay.

"That's  cool dude," I say, and looks behind me were Carmen and Jay talk about some movie. Carmen looks at me and then turns back to Jay.

" May, I have the Chicken Salad?" Carmen asks at the restaurant, closing her menu. 

"Sure honey, what kind of dressin' you want?" the waitress asks

"Ranch, please" Carmen says

"Sure thing, I'ma be back with your food, quick as a jiff," 

" Are you excited for tonight Carmen?" Jay asks "Your first investigation,"

"Yeah," Carmen blushes, sipping her coke

" Are you going to be scarrrrrrrrrred Carmen?" Aaron asks with a goofy face

"Naw, I'll be fine,"

"Okkkkkkkay, if you say so"

Carmen laughs, and then our food comes.

When we get to the hotel where out investigation is,we start to get the things out of the car.

"Aaron, can you take these two boxes?" I ask him

"Sure, Zak," he answer and takes them from my hand

"Carmen, you want to bring something in?" I ask her


"Here," I hand her a box, "Is that too  heavy? You can carry the duck tape if you want."

"I'm fine," She says sourly.

"Okay," I say

We all walk inside the hotel and are greeted by a old lady who smiled and said: " Hello, my name is June, and I will be telling you about the hotel today."

"Hello June," I say," Hold on, Aaron is the camera on?"

"Not yet, 3,2,1" Aaron gives me a signal

" Hello everyone, today we are at the Lakesiller Hotel in New York, New York, and this hotel is one of the most haunted hotels in New York. People will murdered, raped, and committed suicide here. Right here we have June, who has worked at the hotel for a long time, June can you give us a Brief  history of the hotel?"

" Of course," June says, " The hotel was made in 1910 by a man named Lawrence Lakersiller, Lakesiller was born here in New York, and had wealthy parents .His father had his own law firm, and his mother was a sectary for a wealthy judge. So you came see how Lakesiller got the money for the hotel. He was a quiet man, with a bubbly wife named Eliza, and together they had 3 children, Mary, Abby, and Edward. When Lawrence died the hotel was left to Edward." 

"So nothing happened when Lawrence was in rule of the hotel?" I ask

June shakes her head, " Nothing, everything was fine, until Edward came into control. The first thing that happened was that there was a little girl named Chelsea who was staying on the 3rd floor. People say that Chelsea came to stay at the hotel for a few days with her family, and her mother and father went downstairs while Chelsea was taking a bath, and when they got back she was dead. She drowned. 

"She wasn't murdered or anything?" ask

"I don't think so, the door was locked,and no one was in the room. Sucide? I don't think that either, she was only 6, and her family worshiped her.  Some people who come to the hotel today say that they can see Chelsea roll a ball down the hallway and Chelsea and the ball will dissaper. Many people report they hear a little kid running up and down the hallway giggling, but when they open the door, there is no child. Others say that their beds are messed up when they come back to their hotel room, and one women reported that something was tugging on her dress, like to get her attention ,but when she looked down, nothing was there,

" Has anyone been hurt?" I ask

"By Chelsea?" June asks


" No, Chelsea is very friendly.But now I'll tell you about Marie, Marie was 17 year old who was raped a man  who worked at the hotel, and after he beheaded her, and left her body in the closet, and let me tell you some men that have walked in that room in the morning alive, and haven't come out that way."


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