Chapter 49

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I drop to the ground on the other side of the wall after having just slit Alfred's throat. My mind is exploding with a hate and anger that can only be quenched with blood, lots of blood. These men, that have hurt my dad, are going to find out that I'm worse than the angel of death... because I am no angel. They'll soon fear me above all else.

Giving me a sword, especially a Katana, was stupid beyond belief. I take it as a sign from God that I'm to destroy these people. And who am I to deny God's will?

A few more random gunshots mingle with the yelling. There's little time before they'll be here. They'll expect me to run, but that's not my plan at all.

Movement near a branch catches my eye and I see a drone turn toward me. In a flash, I'm scampering up the tree like a squirrel to smash it with my sword. Boiling, hot anger fills me with the overpowering desire to go back right now and face them down, have it out with them right now. I want to look into their eyes while I cut out their guts, but that will have to wait. In Jaidee's Kuk Sool lessens, she always said the way to win is to never engage your enemy where they are strong and never when they expect it. Always attack their weakest points when you're unexpected. So, that's exactly what I'm going to do. She was absolutely right when she said a dagger in the night can win the battle before it ever starts.

I need a hiding spot and I need it now. A quick glance around me shows a few possible places. The most promising is a rock ledge hanging over the bank of a small dried creek bed. It's dark and provides good cover. There's even a rotten log in front of it. I take off my shoes and toss them as far as I can. They still have a tracker in them. Then I hurry, making sure to cover the trail of blood from where the barbed wire cut me as I make my way to the rotten log. I get behind it and burrow into the twigs and dirt, using everything I can get my hands on to cover my body with and pushing my head as far back in to the darkest part of the crevice as it can go. I've always been good at hiding in the shadows.

I'm putting the last touches on when I hear yells and the sound of rapid footsteps nearby. I hold still, not moving a muscle as they rush past me, unaware of my presence. These people smell of evil thoughts and dirty deeds. It feeds the dark hunger inside me like blowing on a hot ember. The effect is intoxicating... so many stained souls to liberate.

It's not long before the sounds move further away as they continue their search for a frightened girl running for her life. It's hard to just lay here hiding like this when my dad needs to get to a hospital. Even with that snake medicine they said he could have, he still needs a doctor, and soon. There's no telling how far away the nearest hospital is or where it is for that matter. I'm sure I'll be able to persuade someone into telling me how to get to it, right before I kill them.

In time, night comes, but it's too soon to make my move. Also, the rest will give my wounds a chance to heal up some. I'm glad there's a crescent moon tonight providing only limited light. That's enough for me. I've always had incredible night vision. Dad says I'm half cat. Maybe I am. I don't know anything about my mom, and neither, it seems, does dad. Or, if he does, he's decided not to share that with me.

The waiting is a torment almost unbearable. Several times I start to get up only to force myself back down into the dirt. Time gnaws on me like a bad itch that I mustn't scratch. It makes my body ache for action, but still, I wait. The only thing that keeps me sane is fantasizing about what I'm going to do when I do eventually get up and head back to the compound. I'm going to go from room to room cutting people into pieces until someone tells me where my dad is. Oh, I might kill a few outright to ease the yearning pent up inside of me. The rest will be allowed to talk to me first. I learned at an early age that when you're holding a man's intestines in your hand, they become very helpful. They'll answer any question you ask.

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