Chapter 21

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Ryan signals to the cameramen to start filming and he's all smiles like this is the best thing to ever happen. It's kind of pathetic, but I can't blame him. He does have two armed men encouraging him to perform his best. Then it hits me. I'm about to do the same thing. I'm going to do this event just like they want because I can't think of a better plan. We're both acting like sheep being herded along for the entertainment of others. How depressing.

The tarp is pulled off of the first box which reveals a cage similar to mine only this one contains a very pissed off Justin Young. If his mouth wasn't covered with tape and his hand tied behind his back, I'm sure the air would be filled with venom based on the look on his face. For a second, Bryan is struck dumb and his smile wavers, but then he recovers and continues to talk to the unseen audience the camera is filming for.

That Internet feed they're doing is our best bet of being rescued. Surely the Feds will trace it back here before long. I cling to that glimmer of hope as the next tarp is pulled off revealing a mostly naked Taylor Faste. She looks to be on the verge of hysterics. This time, Bryan doesn't look and is able to keep his smile as he continues talking.

Next, the TV icon, John Bacon is unveiled. He tries to look cool and in control, even while being tied up and gagged, but I can tell he's unnerved.

Finally, they pull the tarp off of Aleale's cage and I have to fight to remain in control of myself as my blood boils. Ryan is looking at me now while he talks, and after a moment, he and Chris walk toward me along with one of the cameramen while the other stays near Aleale. As they get closer, I see Chris has red scratches down the right side of his face, like maybe he got into a fight with a large cat or possibly an irate pop star. I hope it hurts as bad as it looks.

Bryan addresses the camera with his usual flare. "Here she is, the young lady that almost kept Aleale from joining us. She's already proven herself to be quite a hero so we have high expectations of her once the action starts." He turns to me. "Tell us Nicolette, what do you think of our Club so far?"

This makes me feel like I'm on exhibit in a zoo. They want to get sound bites from me to put on the Internet, so I give the camera a stone face and say nothing.

He ignores that I'm ignoring him. "I bet you're eager to see Aleale again, and I know she'll greatly appreciate it if you win her today, because if you don't, there's no telling what might happen." He looks around like he's making sure no one else is listening, but of course the camera is still full on him. "I should warn you that some of our contestants may not be as benevolent as you. As a matter of fact, some of these people are even convicted killers. Like Mr. Kyle Harper in the cage next to you."

That name is familiar, although it takes a minute before it hits me. Kyle was in the news last week for escaping from prison. He's the guy that killed a man after making him watch as he raped his wife and daughter. Holy crap! And now he's here trying to get his hands on Aleale.

As if reading my thoughts, Bryan says, "I don't even what to think about what he might do to Aleale if he wins today."

Dark rage fills me with power and I have to remind myself that control is what separates us from the animals. I remain quiet like a bomb waiting to go off.

Bryan shrugs. "Well, maybe Aleale has something to say." He walks back next to the trailer and talks to one of the guards who then jumps up on the flatbed trailer next to Aleale. The man reaches in and removes the tape covering her mouth.

She sobs with her head pressed against the bars, but that's all. It's a sad sight and even Ryan has to turn away from the display to compose himself before heading back toward me.

It takes a trickle of blood running down my arm for me to notice that I'm clinching my hands so hard into the metal of the cage that it's cutting me. I'm on the verge of going completely dark. It would be so easy to do... but I take a deep breath and try to calm down. Going dark in this cage isn't going to help anyone.

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