Chapter 44

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My wounds have been healing even faster than normal, but I still don't feel particularly well as I stand watching the sun slowly approaching the horizon. My cage is in the usual spot near the blue Clubhouse. It about time for my "special" event to start, and I still don't know anything about what they've planned for me. The unknown is the vilest of tormentors. Only it can truly summon your worst fears.

All I know is that there have been some big changes made here. For one, there's been a major revamping of the small arena-like enclosure next to the Clubhouse. The tall wooden walls are now topped with razor wire with a worker still nailing the last coils on. Also, all of the obstacles and poles have been removed leaving the ground rough and uneven. They've been replaced with two simple tables located at opposite sides of the enclosure.

The table near me is right in front of the gate I went through for the first group event. Memories of that frantic day will be with me the rest of my life, which may be soon...

Ok girl, snap out of it. This is no time for self-pity. You better figure out what this is event is about if you want to ever see Dad again. There are two tables which means two participants. So, it looks like I'll be competing against someone. The gate for the other participant must be on the other side of the Clubhouse because I can't see from here. There is something going on over that way. Maybe they're getting my opponent ready. I wish I could see who it is. Curiously, they haven't backed up my cage to the gate yet like they normally do. That may be because of the other addition they've recently added. They've put a tall wooden poll in the ground nearby that's tilting slightly to one side showing uncharacteristically poor workmanship. Hanging from the poll are metal rings connected by short chains that have been bolted to it. It just now occurs to me that it's perfect for using as a whipping post. Are they going to whip me? I've never been tortured before, and the thought is frightening.

As if that wasn't bad enough, a man unloads a barbeque pit from a truck and brings it near to my cage. While I watch in disbelief, he places a full bag of charcoal into it and fires it up. Then he strokes the fire with a branding iron in the shape of an "M" while giving me an evil smile. Oh my God! My body breaks into a nervous sweat. They're not seriously going to brand me are they? Holy crap! I don't want to be branded! Where will they do it? Wherever... That shit's going to look fucking ugly for the rest of my life.

The day just keeps getting worse as Bryan comes strolling out from the building with his usual entourage including Chris, Aleale's traitorous bodyguard. God I hate Chris. He is such a back-stabbing whore.

They spend some time looking for just the right spot to film from that will show me with the wooden poll in the background. Bryan's pissed about something and is yelling at one of the workers to get the wheels out here. Whatever these wheels are, they must be important because half the workers nearby stop what they're doing and go running in different directions. One of the men eventually opens the back of a cargo van and calls for the others to come to him. Together, they pull out two large, vertical wheel-of-fortunes and bring them over to where Bryan is standing.

When I get a clear look at what is on the wheels, my jaw drops. One wheel has the labels; bull whip, electric shock, brand, combat, snake bite, and pass. The other has; leg, arm, chest, face, and back. No way! They're just fucking with my head now. That's too barbaric even for these guys...

I keep telling myself that until a man wearing thick gloves approaches me carrying a covered box. That's not what I think it is, is it? My question is answered by the unmistakable sound of a rattle snake emanating from under the covering. The last smidgeon of hope I had for surviving dissolves into a pit of despair. These fuckers are seriously going to torture me to death in the most satanic way that their sick, fucked up minds can think of.

Bryan begins, "Welcome back. Wow, I hope you've all recovered from last night's wild Mad House. I'm not sure I have, or ever will. That was, without a doubt, the most electrifying, crazy, and socking spectacle I've ever seen. Some of those images will never be forgotten." He's smile is about a genuine as a prostitute sweet-talking her next trick, and the spark in his eyes that he's so famous for is missing.

"As you know, we didn't expect to have many survivors and we were mostly right. However, thanks to Ms. Mastim, more competitors survived than expected because they were lucky enough to pass through areas where she and her partner had already cleared out."

Cleared out? He makes it sound easy, like we were taking out the trash instead of fighting for our lives. Maybe he should have been inside with us. That would have been worth watching.

"Now, I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that we had hoped to have at least one new celebrity join us today to replace the fallen Justin Young, but I'm told that hasn't happened yet. Apparently, many stars have recently tightened security and some have even gone into hiding. And frankly, I don't blame them. Nevertheless, I'm assured that we will have a new prize for our fans to vie for very soon.

"The good news is we were successful in bringing in one very special guest that's going to shake things up here at Cub Mexico. I'll tell you more about that in a moment as it relates to the reason we're here tonight. Speaking of which, we've planned a unique event for our number one competitor, Nicolette Mastim." He waves his arm in a grandiose manner toward me. "No one else has created quite the stir that this tsunami of a woman has, and tonight we'll push her and her dad to their limits to see what they're made of."

Did he just say my dad? He couldn't have. I must be hearing things.

Bryan continues, "We're calling this the Test of Heroes. But... what makes someone a hero? I think, one of the most important traits of a hero is courage. Every hero has to have tremendous courage in order to overcome dangers that others wouldn't dare face.

"What else does a hero need? He needs a willingness to sacrifice. A true hero is ready to suffer the ultimate sacrifice as they risk their lives for the people they're trying to save. Like the fireman that runs into a burning building, or the police officer that stands up to an armed criminal, or a seemingly ordinary man that stands up to the drug cartel." He glances around and gets a few chuckles from the thugs in the area. Then he pauses and slowly walks over to me.

"Nicole and her father have both shown great courage by their actions this week, risking it all in the name of love."

What the fuck? Why does he keep talking about my dad? Is he still trying to mess with me? Trying to confuse me?

"Nicole has sacrificed, and suffered to protect the woman she loves, Aleale. We've all seen that." He lowers his voice to a fake whisper that I'm sure is picked up just fine by his microphone. "And that was quite some thank-you she gave you."

What? I'm not in love with Aleale. I can't believe he said that to everyone on the fucking Internet. That's so embarrassing. I mean, sure... she's special and amazing. Who wouldn't like being with her? She is a superstar after all.

He resumes his normal tone. "Tonight we'll see if she and her team are ready to sacrifice more as this test takes their bravery to a new level and proves to the world that they are true heroes." He raises his hand and motions as if calling someone forward. "Let's bring out the next member of Nicolette's team."

What is he talking about? Being completely in the dark like this is very frustrating.

After a few moments, a black Escalade with dark tinted windows drives up and Bryan goes over to open the door. "Every hero needs a beautiful damsel in distress to save and no damsel is more beautiful or in more distress than this young lady."

As soon as her high-heeled foot sticks out the door, I know it's her. Aleale steps out of the car with help from Bryan. She's in full makeup and wearing a simple but elegant white cocktail dress that clings to her curves. If her hands weren't chained, you'd never know she wasn't on her way to a Hollywood party.

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