11 - Too Close

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That scene from the kitchen played in my mind like a broken record. Seeing Evan in our house was the last thing on my mind. I never really expected him to be there. He totally scared the hell out of me. I was seriously going to whip his ass if he ever did sneak in. Who knows what he's capable of doing?

Evan haunted my mind like the plague. I honestly don't want to talk about him. But when he held me by the arms last night, I felt chills run down my spine. It's almost like reading a cliched novel if you think about it. But then again, it was such a different feeling. I've never felt that way about a boy before.

As he held me closer, it felt like he was about to kiss me. His warm hands touching my cold skin sent me into ripples of madness. I couldn't explain what I was starting to feel for Evan at that moment. But I promised myself that I won't let my guard down. I bit my lip, fighting the temptation. I kept squirming my way out but he still held me tight but gentle enough that he won't be able to hurt me. He lowered his face down to me and ....

The next thing you know, I was waking up to the ear-splitting ring of a blasted alarm clock. Not just any alarm clock, but one of those old school twin bell alarm clocks.

What the hell?

I just wanted to get a sledge hammer and smash it into smithereens. But no, I was too lazy to get up. Someone was in trouble, though. I slowly opened my eyes. "Corey."

Yeah, my little brother's dead meat for putting that damn alarm clock on my bedside table. And let's not forget, waking me up on a freaking Saturday?

Oh, he is so dead.

As I was about to turn the alarm clock off, that's when I realized I was hugging my pillow, and surprisingly, a part of it was drenched in my saliva. Crap. Was I making out with Evan in my dream? That explained the drool stains on the whole pillow. Gross. I would never ever make out with the enemy.


After turning off the alarm clock, I heard the faint sound of a lawnmower. It's probably dad or Caleb mowing the front lawn. I did some stretches, and as soon as I heard my bones pop, I went straight to the bathroom. I was wearing a thin light blue camisole and my Veronica's Secret boy shorts. People might view me as a tomboy or a lesbian, and that's okay. I let them keep guessing. But what people don't know is that I'm still a girl at heart. Apparently, no one seems to believe that. Not that I really care or anything. I remembered one time during sophomore year, I got into a cat fight with Becca Milano. She's actually Seth's girlfriend and one of Masiela's minions.

It all started when she asked me how many times I was getting it on with my girl friends. I didn't want to engage, because this is what bullies do. They thrive on the satisfaction of hurting you. She kept going on and on, clearly taunting me until my patience would snap. She mentioned a lot of hurtful things about me. I kept walking, treating her as if she doesn't exist. Sorry, those words don't work on me. Please, try again. I've always been patient with bullies around me. I never gave them the satisfaction to walk all over me. But when she mentioned my family this time, my blood rushed to my head and I threw the biggest bitch fit in history.

I turned around and slapped her hard.

I wasn't able to stop myself in time. Deep down, I kept reminding myself that she deserved it. That's what she got from attacking me, using my family against me, and bullying people underneath them just because we don't talk back. God knows, I was ready for any amount of punishment. I will take it. That included being expelled. Knowing Becca's background, her family could easily pay off the school to kick me out.

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