Chapter 42

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Skyler's POV

"She is--" kookie's words were cut from the sudden intrusion of five guys scrambling their way to my room

"Kookie stop!" RapMon half shouted

"What?! I was just about to tell her" Kookie said as he glared at them

"Ah mianhe i thought you were gonna say about something else" RapMon apologized then kookie resumed what he was about to say

"Noona she is... Dangerous so you better not be too close to her...well you see a few years ago she is with us and she harmed a fan in our pre-debut days that was taking a Picture with Jin hyung" kookie told me while the guys are listening

"What? Harmed someone? Did you report her? That kind of action should be reported right?" I asked i mean really she go as far as hurting someone

"Noona that's the problem we could not bring ourselves to report her" kookie said disappointed

"Why not? Did she threatened all of you? Then she might be crazy?" I worriedly asked

"Well you can say that she's crazy skyler but her craziness is because of her Mental illness" Rapmon said

"Bwo?! Mental sickness? Then if she is your friend or what ever you see her isn't better to send her to rehabilitation for her recovery?" I said all surprised

"We already did that but she just sneaks out or even try to take her life" V said

"And to top that off all we could do is observe her and try to stop her if she was to hurt a person" Suga said

"It sure was hard cause we don't know when she will attack someone" jhope said as he sat at my bed

"Why? Can't you tell from her moves?" I asked i mean you can easily tell if a person already gone nuts right?

"Nah if that was the case... But her she have... A Split personality... A moment she is sweet then after a split second she could kill you" suga hyung said

"That's why noona i beg you don't come so near to her as much as possible don't be left alone with her" kookie said while the other agrees

"Tsk! And i get to hear that coming from you guys weren't you the ones who left me alone with her at the living room earlier??" I said

"Ahh ok that was an exception we are sorry we thought we were just seeing things or we were in a dream that's why we needed to knock some senses in our heads" V said

"By the way where is Jin hyung?" I finally asked i did not see him entered my room

"Bwoya?!! He's not with us?? Omo that's trouble come on let's find him" RapMon said in panic and all of us scrambled out of my room to find Jin


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