Chapter 38

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Skyler's POV

I should have known that from the start I really don't belong in this world ...

so that I won't be hurt upon hearing this, I know that I am a GIRL in a Boy group but what could I do if fate decide this?

Maybe this happened for a reason after all everything happens for a reason, I just have to accept this fact wholely

A few days passed I haven't talked with the guys 'cause I always lock myself up in the recording room in the company and whenever I go home to the dorm I would always find the guys waiting for me

No words are involved justs stares then smile then I would proceed to my room and then the next morning I would wake up earlier than the others and cook food for them then leave the house before anyone gets up from their deep slumber

That routine continued till the day where I would perform last in the stage

My last stage with the Boys it somehow brings tears to me whenever I think of it as my last I mean what would happen next?

Am I going back to the states? And live there like I have never been in the music industry? I can't... I can't bring myself to think about something like that

But...that might happen...there's a possibility

>5hours before the concert<

Bangtan is here at the place where the concert would be held and currently the organizer is telling us where to stand to enter and exit for short we are rehearsing for the concert

After that PD-nim called us altogether for a simple explanation and such when I interrupted

"Uhmm...pardon me PD-nim but could I have a three minute time in the concert? It's a thanks for some who supported me since it's my last would that be possible?" I asked

All of them were staring at me I saw kookie being teary eyed PD-nim nodded and I smiled and bowed to him

"Kamsamnida" I uttered

And then jungkook could not hold his tears much longer

I went to him and hugged him tight

"Why are you crying? Stop it you are making me sad" I said

Jin's POV

Jungkook cried and Skyler tried to console him but...she was affected and her eyes started to water

All of us gathered and consoled each other

But... there's one thing that kept bothering's PD-nim he seems kinda off and always so snappy or stuttering you could say, and he seem to talk less than before

"Ok everybody we will all give our best shot let's all make this event memorable" RapMon said which turned the atmosphere around us livelier

There's got to be something...someway...for her not to leave our group...


Hi guys it's been so long since I last updated and I'm really sorry for that "OTL"


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