chapter five:

Mulai dari awal

I demolished my dinner, I must have been so hungry. Issy cleared up, and put the plates in the dishwasher. We sat down on the couch, and watched a movie. “Can we watch Tangled, please?” Issy asked me. I looked at her strangely. “Don’t look at me like that! It’s my favourite film!” I laughed at her, then kissed her head. “Anything for you, Miss.” I got up and put it on.

It got to the bit of the film where Flynn Rider and Rapunzel are discovering their love for each other. “This is my favourite part.” Issy whispered, cuddling into me. I pulled her closer to me. “I-I love-“ I stopped talking and took my eyes off her. She looked up to me. “I love you too Olly.” She said. I smiled and kissed her on her head. The film had finished, I looked down to Issy, but she was fast asleep. I didn’t want to disturb her, so I carried her into my bedroom, placing her on my bed carefully, and tucked her under the covers. “Night beautiful.” I said, kissing her on the forehead. It was only 9 and I slept all day. I wasn’t tired at all. I put on my Right Place Right Time CD and listened to all of the tracks. From Army of Two to One of These Days.  And on the second CD, from Runaway, to Army of Two Live. I was so happy with this CD, I was proud of it. I’m proud of most of my singles and albums to be honest. I heard my bedroom door open, Issy came in with my duvet wrapped around her. “Hey sleepy head.” I said to her as she plonked herself next to me. “What time is it?” she asked me, in her sleepy voice. “Just gone 1” “ugh I’m so tired!” she said, leaning on me. I lied down on the sofa and pulled Issy on top of me. “Hello” she said. Placing her head on my chest and she fell back asleep. And so did I. I woke up to the sound of Issy’s phone going off. “Is, Issy your phone..” I said, nudging her. She reached out her hand and grabbed her phone. “Hello?” she said. I looked at my watch and it was 7 in the morning. UGH EARLY. “..yes yes I’ll be right there.” She leaped up and started panicking. “Hey hey what’s wrong?” “My-my dad, he had a-a urm, a heart attack.” “Oh my god Issy!” I jumped up and gave her a hug “Let’s get you ready, I’ll drive you to the hospital”

I drove like a maniac to the hospital. I’m surprised no one was hurt. When we got there Issy jumped out and grabbed onto my hand. “What if he doesn’t make it?” She said to me, tears running down her eyes. “hey hey, listen to me now, he will, your dad is strong, just like his daughter. Come on.” I kissed her hands and we walked in. She was frantically asking for her dad and finally we found him. We walked into the room where he walked. “Maybe I should stay outside.” I said, “No, Olly please come in” I nodded and she held onto my hand. Issy’s Mum jumped up from the seat and gave her a hug. She’d been crying also. Issy still holding my hand. “And who’s this young man, Isabella?” looking at me. “New boyfriend?” Issy’s mum laughed. “No, no, just a friend.” Issy said, still holding my hand. “You’re Olly Murs, aren’t you! I’m Esmé.” She held out her hand for me to shake. “nice to meet you, ma’am.” “Oh please, call me Esmé” I laughed. “Is there anything I can do you?” I asked. “What a gentleman. We’re okay at the moment. This is Scott by the way, Issy’s dad.”

We sat there for 2 hours, waiting for a doctor to come in. Issy’s hand was still attached to mine. Like it had been for the past 2 hours. Esmé’s hand was attached to Scott’s also. Finally, the doctor entered. He told us everything that went on and what is going to happen with Issy’s father. I wasn’t really paying much attention. All my attention was on Issy. I put my arm around her and kissed her on the head. Scott was in a critical condition and was going to remain in that condition for a couple of days. They’re going to monitor him and go on from there. Issy cried into me. I stroked her hair, telling her everything was going to be okay. Esmé seemed calmer than Issy. She wasn’t crying. She has hope for her husband. “are you sure there’s nothing going on between you two?” She asked us. I laughed, still hugging Issy. She looked up and looked into her mum’s eyes. “Oh my god why didn’t you tell me! Aw my little Issy!” Esmé said. “Wait what?” I asked. She tapped her nose. “Don’t worry, Olly, mother and daughter thing.” Esmé and Issy laughed. Issy buried her head back into my chest and she was there for some time.

Esmé was slumped in her chair, asleep. Issy was about to. “Olly?” Issy said to me. “Yeah, beautiful?” I replied.  “Sing to me?” I laughed. “Anything in particular?” “Nope, take a pick.”

I smiled and thought of a song;

“One, two, three, now I'm building up the courage. 
Four, five, six walking over in a hurry. 
What I got, girl, I know you’re gonna love it. 
You're gonna love it, yeah. 
Just can't wait no not another minute. 
Need you now let me tell you what I'm feeling. 
You plus me that's the only way I'm winning. 
The way I'm winning yeah. 
I won't take no for an answer tonight. 
Can't you see there's a fire in my eyes? 
For you so... 

I don't care what other people say. 
Tonight nothing's getting in my way. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
Head to toe I'm loving what I see. 
Girl I know that you were meant for me. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
And baby girl I'm talking to, you. 
I'm talking to, you... 

One, two, three, I can picture you at my place. 
Four, five, six and your telling me it's okay to get you undressed. 
You know the rest. 
Now, I don't want you to think I'm rude. 
But I see myself next to you. 
Waking up tomorrow in my bed. 
Saying hey let's do it again. 
I won't take no for an answer tonight. 
Can't you see there's a fire in my eyes. 
For you so... 

I don't care what other people say. 
Tonight nothing's getting in my way. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
Head to toe I'm loving what I see. 
Girl I know that you were meant for me. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
And baby girl I'm talking to, you. 
I'm talking to, you... 

I've got a one track mind. 
Look how my hearts on the line. 
The only thing that I need. 
Is your body so close to me. 
I won't take no for an answer tonight. 
Can't you see there's a fire in my eyes. 
For you so... 

I don't care what other people say. 
Tonight nothing's getting in my way. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
Head to toe I'm loving what I see. 
Girl I know that you were meant for me. 
I'm gonna get what's mine. 
And baby girl I'm talking to, you. 
I'm talking to, you...”

I finished the song and looked down. She was smiling, with her eyes closed. “I liked that, Ols” “I like you, Issy” she laughed “I like you too, Olly.” And with that, the whole room was sleeping. Except one person, Keira. 

love at first sight // olly mursTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang