Alison POV

"Thank you! Come again!" I waved to the last customer and groaned in relief, "finally." I locked the shop up and left, driving home. I unlocked the door and was yanked to the side by a hand sovereign my mouth.

My back hit a wall and when the hand moved, lips that I knew oh so well hit my own. I smiled into my wife's lips and when we parted she already had my bra undone. "How the fuck did you do that?" I said and laughed. "I have mastered the art of bras at this point babe." "clearly." Emily swept me off my feet, making me cackle with laughter, "EMILY!" She ran me upstairs, past Olivia's room who was currently asleep for her nap and I was thrown onto our bed, Emily landing on top of me, sucking the life out of my neck. "Alright vampire. Come here." I said and she smirked, bringing her face to mine. I smiled and wrapped my legs around her waist, squealing as she flipped us over so I was on top for a change.

I giggled as we flung articles of clothing around and body parts were kissed and re-explored.

Wow. After years of our marriage, I still manage to fall harder for her everyday. How? I don't know. We're just Emison.

And Emison Is Endgame. ;)

Victoria POV

After school was finally over, I made a bee-line for the exit but never made it because I rammed into a girl. "Oh, Victoria....Hey." Skylar looked at me and I looked away, "Hi..."

She was in her Spandex and sports bra for cheer practice and I was uncomfortable already. "Look uh-"

"Sky! Come on!" Selena shouted for Skylar and I looked back at her, seeing her glare at me and skip away. "Just a sec Sel!"

When she turned back to me I felt so vulnerable. I hurt the one person I care about so so much. She's so fragile and I should've known better than to make fun of her sexuality or weight. She's not fat. If anything she's fucking beautiful. More so than me. "I really am sorry Vic. It wasn't my idea-"

"No worries. You'll make a great captain. I know it." I said, genuinely happy for her. "Um thanks but I am no good at it, honestly. I like you as our captain better."

I chuckled and said, "Well they don't exactly see it that way...Look I should go...have fun. Honest. Be great Skyz."

She smiled at my old name for her and I walked away to go to the library.

Skylar POV

After practice was over I was leaving with Karma, "Crap. Hold on, start the car babe. I left my Calc book in the Library from Study Hall. I'll be right there." I kissed my girlfriend and ran to the Library. When I got there I grabbed my book and was about to leave when I heard giggling. 

Kinda creepy. I walked to the noise and saw Victoria on the ground, laughing at some Charles Dickens book.

"What's so funny?" I questioned. She jumped and looked up at me, still smiling though, "their names. Pip, Uncle Pumblechook, Mr. Wopsle. They all sound like stuffed animals. My mom was right." She laughed more and I giggled slightly, "Did you finish that already?"

She nodded and said, "It's my parents' favorite. Thought I'd give it a go."

I nodded and sat down next to her, looking her in the eyes and she smirked, "want me to tell you what happens? I can make you a cheat sheet." I smiled shyly for some odd reason. Why am I nervous?

"I miss you Sky. I messed up...I totally messed up and I want you back. Please."

I smiled lightly and took her warm hand into mine, sending weird feelings through me. No. No I can't be feeling things for Victoria. She's my cousin! It's not right! Right?

"You know you would never lose me either way. I was still here. Always will be." I whispered and she smiled, "That's why I love you. You're big on happy endings."

I giggled and she threw me a grin, "So is Dickens by the way...Pip gets Estella in the end...can I read you something?"

I nodded slowly, watching her lips form as she spoke the words, "I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be."

I was mesmerized. I didn't know what to do. I can't do this. It's completely fucked up. Totally fucked up. But nope, because I'm a fucking retard, I did the one thing I know would fuck everything up. I kissed Victoria. Yep. Kissed my cousin. Right. On. The. Lips.


Kinda odd. Future, illegal Emison. I think it's illegal XD idk

what do you guys think is really happening? You let me know! :)

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~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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