Chapter ten

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Author's note:
I didn't know so many people would like this story. Wow. Thank you so much by the way! Enjoy!

(Evan's point of view)
I'm trying to break Jon, you see? He's been trying to keep his sanity for me, but he's slipping. I'm so close, tonight is the night. After dinner, it's going down. As much as I'm going to hate doing it, it's going to be fun.

I picked up a casual black and white suit. I realized Jon was wearing the same thing once I got into his car, too. We both laughed at this. Trust me, we didn't plan it.

We arrived at the restaurant and on the outside it didn't look that fancy. It was dark, but the fence lights made the building look old and shabby. You wouldn't have suspected how nice it is on the inside, outside. Jon must've made reservations because we were immediately led to a table after he told the hostess his last name.

(Jon's point of view)
I don't understand how I'm so sane right now. I haven't killed anyone since Sydney. It must be Evan. He's keeping me sane. But he's been acting weird. Even after dinner when we went back to his place, he was...suspicious. "Wine?" He asked me. I nodded and sat on the couch, surveying the room, even outside. I watched him walk into the kitchen to get the wine then I got up and disappeared before he came back out.

(Third person)
Evan asked Jon, "is red wine okay?" But when Jon never answered, Evan walked out into the living room and saw Jon wasn't there. He checked the bathroom, Jon wasn't there. Evan could see Jon's car still in the parking lot. He knew what was happening. He dropped the wine on the floor when he realized what Jon had done. "FUCK!" Evan yelled. Jonathan knew what Evan was doing. He knew that Evan was planning to kill him that evening. Evan wasn't as sly as he thought. Jon slipped into the darkness of Evan's apartment. Anywhere he'd go he'd blend in because of his black suit. Evan's apartment was huge. The lights were dim to nearly off. Evan was walking around the living room quietly. Luckily, he just got knew floors so the floor now doesn't creak when he walks. Evan walked to the window of the living room and took out a knife from his suit. "Jonny... Where are you?" Evan asked. He was terrified, so was Jon. Evan started walking towards the hallway to his bedroom when the elevator rang.

Evan froze. Jon's trying to leave. He thought. He walked quickly over to the elevator and grabbed the figure, who stepped out of the elevator at the time, and slit his throat. The figure grabbed Evan as he was falling to the ground, his blood getting all over Evan's suit. Evan's eyes have adjusted to the darkness of the living room. Who he just killed, was not Jon.

(Flash back to the suit store in Evan's point of view)
I picked the perfect suit and as I was walking up to the cashier, Tyler called me. "Hey man," I said. "Yo Evan, do you mind if I stop by your place tonight? I borrowed an Xbox controller and I wanna return it." "Yeah, yeah no problem. I'll be there." I said to him. He said he'd be there around eleven and then hung up. Hopefully Jon and I would be finished by then.

(End of flashback)
Evan watched as the blood from Tyler's throat spewed out of him. "Y-you fucking bitch." Tyler whispered with the last of his breaths. Evan dropped the knife, backed away from Tyler's dead body and put his hands in his hair. Tyler and Evan were best friends. They knew each other since high school, and Evan just killed him. "No no no no no." He said grabbing his hair. His eyes were wet from tears, he was blaming this on Jon.

(Evan's point of view)
I'm going to kill him. He did this. He made me kill Tyler. He's going to die tonight.

I walked into the dark hallway toward my bedroom. I stopped in front of my closet, suspecting he'd be in there. "Come on Jon. It's time to come out of the closet." I said as I picked up my hockey stick next to my nightstand. I held it close and swung the doors of the closet open. Unfortunately the only thing I found in there were my clothes.

I left my room and went back into the hallway. I planned on walking into the kitchen and getting another knife until I felt a lot of pressure on my face.

Jon punched me and ran to the kitchen. I stood back up quickly and ran after him. He was standing in the door way of the kitchen with the knife I killed Tyler with. "Who's the real monster here Evan? You killed Tyler." I laughed. He thinks he's so innocent. "You killed more people than I can count. I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out. I mean, you go in public showing your face. How can the police or anyone else not figure this out but I can?" He smirked, "you're right. I did kill those people. Which makes me skilled, more skilled than you will ever be. I don't want to hurt you Evan. I never planned on doing that once." He said softly, soft like I'd change my mind about this. "You need to be stopped. I've noticed you slowly losing your mind. I pay attention Jonathan. I was trying to break you, don't you understand? This whole time I was trying to break your sanity. I never gave two shits about Sydney. This was all an act. I know you killed her, you had it written all over your face. Just admit it. You're delirious." I was getting tired of chatting. His face looked as if it was in shock, but went away soon enough. "You don't know anything." I was then silent.

After about ten seconds of silence, I lunged at him.

(Jon's point of view)
He doesn't know shit. He can't prove anything.

He was silent. That is, until he ran at me. I don't know what he would do with a hockey stick. I didn't know I stabbed him until he grabbed onto my shoulders. I brought the knife out and his blood spewed all over my suit. His hands immediately found his gushing stomach. He smiled and fell. I crawled onto my knees and found him. "Evan. Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Nonono. Please." He was laughing now. "What's going on?" His laugh was loud. "This is what I w-was trying to do J-Jon. This is me b-breaking y-you." He continued laughing. My hands were shaking. I was crying, but the tears stopped quickly. Evan stopped laughing. I stood up and wiped my hands on my suit. I giggled. This was a funny situation. Evan trying to get me to lose my sanity? That's hilarious. But it worked.

I left the bodies where they were at Evan's. It kinda breaks my heart how he thought I'd hurt him. I'm not gonna lie, I probably would have hurt him sooner or later. He chose later.

I walked into my apartment and went directly to my bathroom. I took off my suit and threw it on the ground. Once I was fully unclothed I turned on the shower.

After I cleansed myself from Evan's blood, I put on different clothes, I sat down in my chair to my desk and I logged onto my computer. Someone had messaged me.

One new message!
EvanFong: that was kinda rude don't you think Jonny? ;)

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