Chapter one

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Jonathan Denis.
28 years old.
Professional Hacker.
Skilled Murderer.
The police have been looking all over the country for this guy, and they know what he's doing. He's covered up everything that could lead the cops to him. They think of every horrendous murder as a clue. The cops think he's doing it to leave clues. Little do they know he's doing it for fun.

Jonathan has a pretty good life. His parents died when he was younger, and the rest of his family lives on the other side of the country. But other than that, he's doing well. He lives in North Carolina, penthouse apartment, and thousands of dollars in the bank thanks to his job. Jon's career involved hacking and lots of it. He hacks the most protected companies in the world. Even though he acts like an innocent man, he has quite the hobby. His favorite part of the killing is watching them suffer, watching the life from their eyes leave their bodies. Although, he doesn't find these people on the street. He likes to call them "internet friends". He meets them on the Internet, gets to know them, then meets them in person. He's met a lot of people in his lifetime to know most of the people he's met want nothing but sex. There are so many desperate people in this world. He's always knew that, that's why most of the murders are easy.

Jonathan started the killings in his early twenties. He loved the adrenaline and the power it gave him. The first murder he committed was on accident. He was out with a girl from work, they were going out to dinner when a deer hit his car. It shattered the windshield, the deer was half in the car, half out. Jon saw it was suffering and decided to end its misery with his knife right in front of his date. She got scared, ran out of the car as Jon chased her, knife still in hand. She fell to the ground, as she tried to squirm away from him, he fell on top of her. The knife punctured her stomach. She coughed up blood seconds later. Her white dress was covered in her blood, his hands covered in a mixture of the deers' blood and hers. He knew she was going to eventually choke on her blood, so he stabbed her multiple times to stop her suffering even though he enjoyed watching her struggle to stay alive. He left the body there and hid the knife. Once people asked about her, Jon then deleted her from existence. He got rid of every record that proved she once lived. After that night he wanted to kill again. But this time, he did it properly. That's where it all started.

Jon knew his parents wouldn't want this. He's felt guilty at times. But what would they care? They're dead.

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