Chapter six

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(Evan's point of view)
Out of all the times Jon and I have IM'd, he's never been this on edge.
Me: are you sure you're alright?
Jon: oh yeah. I'm fine. Today's just been really busy, that's really all.
Me: oh, okay. You can tell me anything, I hope you know that.
Jon: yeah yeah, I do.
Me: can we video chat?
Jon: I don't know if that's such a good idea.
I didn't listen to him. I called him and when he answered it was like he was a whole different person. His apartment wasn't neat and cleaned like usual. Something wasn't right. "Jon, you don't seem okay. I mean look at you, you're a mess...and so is your apartment." He laughed. That's all he did was laugh maniacally. After that he put on a killer smile and said, "I want to meet you, Evan. In person. You don't live far, I can handle traveling." Even though he was being really suspicious right now, I was looking forward to seeing him. "Um, okay...when?" "Friday." He said immediately. "I have hockey, but I can meet afterwards." He nodded multiple times. He then said, "Good good. Well, I'll see you then!" and hung up.

(Jon's point of view)
It was a really bad idea. I shouldn't have messaged him. I probably gave something away, I mean I just got done murdering his girlfriend.

My apartment was a mess. I felt filthy, but taking a shower wouldn't do anything. I took one anyway.

The next morning I hated myself. She was a young girl. I killed Evans girlfriend! A person he loved. I guess it's guilt. It happens a lot when I think about my victims too much. I deserve it. I'm garbage.

That afternoon I called my best friend Luke. I've known him since who knows how long. "Luke, I'm meeting someone tomorrow and I need your help. I really like this one. So, will you help me?" He's sighed, "Yeah, I guess so. You owe me though Jon." I laughed and hung up. He was a really great friend. He even knew about my hobby. He was the first one I went to when it first happened. He's been through it with me.

I was meeting Evan in less than four hours, how I looked needed to be perfect.

Luke arrived ten minutes later with some of his own clothes. "I have clothes, Luke. You didn't need-" he shook his head playfully and pushed me aside. "Just try these on." He said, throwing his clothes at me.


By the time I finished getting ready, it was just in time to drive to Evan. We decided we would meet half way so we both wouldn't have to travel far. I thanked Luke and he wished me luck and left. My heart felt like it would burst out of my chest.

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