Chapter eight

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Evan and Jon spent a lot of time together during the last couple weeks. You could say they're a couple now. Right after work, Jon and Evan would meet up at restaurants, arcades, and even their houses.

Jonathan invited Evan over to his place more than Evan invited Jon. Evan knew Jon's apartment better than Jon did. Evan was skilled like that. He had been paying a lot of attention toward the only door that's locked. He's tried to ask Jon but he changed the subject before Evan could say anything. Jon knew he was curious about it. He didn't want Evan to know that he murders people, that'd be pretty bad.

(Jon's point of view)
I've already realized Evan getting curious about the locked door. There's no way in hell I'm gonna show Evan the other side of the door. That's not even an option. The pros and cons of showing Evan the door are unfair. Pros: I won't have to lie to him anymore. Cons: he'll be terrified, disgusted by me. He won't want to be with me, he'll leave me. I'll be alone.

The curiosity seems to left his mind at the time being. "Jon, let's go to a hockey game." I scoffed, "Yeah right." He slapped my arm, "come on! You took me to your arcade, it's my turn to show you my favorite place." He was smiling. His smile was pretty amazing. "Okay, okay. But," I started, "but?" He asked. "I get something out of it in the end." I smirked. We both have been talking about having sex from time to time. Evan always brought up how he wasn't ready yet, again. I said I'll wait as long as I have to, he kisses me and we go out to dinner. We've gone out to dinner a lot lately. It's been a routine. I'd pay for one night we would go, he'd pay for the next. "Maybe." Evan smiled. I kissed his cheek. "When will we be attending the hockey?" He laughed and said, "tonight." I told him that was great, he said he'd pick me up at five and went on his way.

I decided to wear my traditional blue hoodie, black cargo pants, and black boots. The same thing I wore to kill Sydney in.


(Evan's point of view)
I don't care about Jon's door anymore. I've placed it all together, you see. He's a murderer, he's been doing it for a while, yeah? He has someone who knows, I just don't know who yet. I've known this longer than the cops. Jon's not as sneaky as he thinks. I don't understand how the police haven't found him yet. Even before I knew and was in a relationship with him, I was watching him. Watching his every move. I was keeping track of where he was at all times. But now that he's my boyfriend, it's not as hard anymore.

I told him I'd take him to a hockey game and then maybe, maybe, I'll show him my love for him. It all depends on how I'm feeling at the time.


I picked him up, wearing my favorite red jacket; at five thirty, I wasn't late...fashionably late is what I'd prefer. He was out the door of his apartment building one minute after I texted him I was there. He got into the car wearing his blue hoodie, the one I loved him in. He was very good looking in that hoodie.

"Hey handsome." I said and kissed him. "Hey yourself." He replied. I smiled and drove to the hockey rink. Jon told me this was his first hockey game. It was a Tuesday so there wasn't going to be a lot of people there, and I told him that. He seemed relieved after that, too.

"So what's the whole point of this activity?" Jon asked. "That team has to get the puck, the rounded black object, into the opposite goal." I explained, he nodded in understanding.

As the game started, Jon didn't really pay attention much. That is until one of the players got thrown into a wall and fell to the ground. He instantly sat up in his chair. His eyes were big and blue, his hoodie really brings out the color of them.

At halftime, Jon went to the bathroom. I stayed in my seat and watched the ice get cleared. Just then, Tyler, one of my buddies from work, sat next to me along with his girlfriend. "Hey dude!" He said. "Hey," I replied. "What're you guys doing here?" I asked. "Watching the game you retard." He laughed. I noticed Jon walking up the stairs to our seats. He sat down and looked at me in a confused manner. "Oh, my bad. Jon, this is Tyler. My friend from work, and his girlfriend Kelly." They both said hi and Tyler asked, "So, you're Evan's boyfriend huh?" Jon blushed. "Yeah, I'm him." I smiled. I could really see myself having a life with this guy. What a shame.

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