Chapter four

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(Evan's point of view)
It was a while before I realized I was staring at her profile on Twitter. I can't believe she left me. I gave her everything, I was good to her. But obviously not good enough. Sydney deleted every last tweet about me. She even deleted every picture of us together on Instagram. Did she even care? All those times she said 'I love you', did she even mean it? I need to get out. I need to try to move on, maybe she isn't worth it.

It's been a week since the breakup. I've tried to talk to other girls but nothing was working. It didn't feel right. That is until I met Jonathan. Yeah he was a guy, but what does that matter. He could be just a friend, just so I can get over Sydney. Right?

I've tried many times to message Sydney on my computer but every time I almost clicked on her profile, Jon messaged me. We usually talk about video games, we play them together too sometimes. He's a really cool guy. Although my other friends think it's weird that I talk to someone over the Internet. I didn't listen to them. Jon was different. A good kind of different.

He and I planned to play some video games after I got out of work, that is until something really bad happened.

Me: Jon, we have a problem.
Jon: what is it?
Me: Sydney messaged me.
Jon: :0 what'd she say??
Me: can we skype? I'd rather not type all of this.
Jon: of course.

I called him and when he picked up, he was at his desk in his house as usual. His house was always neat, never was one thing out of place.

"So, what did she say?" Jon asked. I sighed, "She said she's sorry. She never meant to hurt me, that it was a mistake. I don't know what to do, I actually loved this girl and yet she broke me." I could tell Jon didn't like Sydney whatsoever, from the moment I told him about her he despised her. "Don't listen to her. She's lying. She'll only hurt you again, Evan. You need to move on from this, she's not worth it." I trust Jon, he's a trustworthy guy, but is he right about this? "I don't know..she seems like she really means it." He shook his head. "Just think about it. It took her weeks to figure this out. She's putting on a show, Evan. Don't listen to her." Jon always sounded harsh with Sydney. I was kinda scared if he actually met her, he'd hurt her. I know he's not like that, it just crosses my mind sometimes. "Okay, okay. I'll leave it be." He sighed in relief. "Thank you." I nodded. We continued to talk since we were already video chatting. Maybe he is right. She isn't worth it.

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