Chapter 14

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"Lauren, what the fuck!" Dinah yelled. Being crushed into a locker wasn't the typical way to be greeted by your best friend.

"Let go of me," Dinah huffed, struggling against Lauren's strong grip. And damn was she strong.

"No, not until you tell me what's going on between you and this Zendaya chick!" Lauren yelled in the taller girl's face. Dinah looked confused for a moment then it hit her.

"Oh, um, nothing. She's just a friend." Dinah said nervously, not making eye contact with Lauren, which was a clear sign that she was lying.

"Look here Hansen,  a few days ago I held your girlfriend while she was crying because of you. Mani never cries and you know that so whatever you're doing, you need to cut the bullshit and get your act together before you hurt my best friend even more than you already have. I don't know what it is you've got going on but you need to stop it, it's seriously damaging your relationship with my best friend. Normani didn't want me to have this conversation with you but after yesterday, seeing her cry again, I just couldn't hold my tongue anymore." Dinah looking down sadly, not realizing she's made her girlfriend cry or that what she's doing is hurting Normani. She felt guilty that she was lying to both her best friend and her girlfriend.

"I'm serious Dinah, quit hurting Normani or I will hurt you." Lauren threatened, loosing her grip on Dinah's collar.

Dinah had no other choice. She hated herself for doing this to Normani but she couldn't think of any other way without her finding out.

She sighed,  fixing her jacket and grabbing her backpack off the floor. She's been so busy with Zendaya she hadn't seen the signs of her girlfriend hurting and she knows she needs to fix that.

Normally, when it was time for lunch, Dinah would go off somewhere with Zendaya but today she couldn't do that. After her talk with Lauren, she realized how cold she's been towards Normani and how distant she's been. She honestly didn't notice until Lauren had to tell her.

She texted Zendaya to stop at the local flower shop and pick up a bouquet of purple Hyacinths for Normani. They symbolized forgiveness and she hoped that would make Normani forgive her and hopefully make up.

Zendaya did as asked and went to get the flowers. She brought them back just in time for the younger girl to give them to Normani.

Normani was sitting at the cafeteria table with Lauren, Camila, Alexa, and all of their other friends just laughing. Camila was telling a joke that only Lauren found hilarious and that made Camila blush in embarrassment because Lauren was the only one laughing at her joke.

Normani was laughing as well only cause Lauren's laugh was contagious and that in turn got the whole group to laugh.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see, a girl who she assumed was Zendaya because of the profile picture in Dinah's phone, give Dinah a bouquet of flowers and she immediately frowned, turning her head back to the group at hand. She glanced back over again because maybe what she thought she saw wasn't really there. She quickly regretted the action, seeing Dinah and Zendaya engage in what looked like more than just a friendly hug.

Zendaya's arms were wrapped around Dinah's neck tightly and Dinah's arms were wrapped around her waist tightly.  Zendaya was laughing at something Dinah must have been whispering in her ear and that caused Normani to feel sick. Maybe Dinah was cheating on her. It was only a hug but not having hugged her girlfriend in a long time while this other girl, who to mention is not her girlfriend, get's to embrace Dinah is a bit suspecting.

Not wanting to be in the same room as them, she got up from the table and made her way out of the the cafeteria.

Lauren looked confused as to why her best friend was leaving, until she spotted what her best friend must have seen that got her to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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