Chapter 9

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Lauren walked into her house with the largest smile on her face, someone would possibly think she was high just by looking at her. Technically, she was high, high off of Camila Cabello's soft lips.

She marched into the living room where her family was sat, watching some tv show she could care less about. They all looked at Lauren like she had grown another head, she was way too happy.

Lauren was in her own world, she plopped down beside her father and let out a dreamy sigh. She had just kissed the girl of her dreams, she still couldn't wrap her finger around it. She could still taste Camila's strawberry lip gloss, she could still feel her lips on hers.

Camila left her body paralyzed, the good kind, if there is such a thing.

"Champ? You okay?" Her dad asked with a raised eyebrow, his daughter was happier than anything he had ever seen, even during championship last year when they dominated. "More than okay dad," she answered, a little pep in her voice.

"Why are you so happy?" He cut right to the chase, Lauren looked at him. "It's a beautiful, warm, and sunny day, can't I just be happy?" She questioned, her father shook his head and laughed. "No ones that happy, champ."

She shook her head. "I am." He laughed again and turned his attention back to the tv. She felt her phone buzz and pulled it out of her pocket.

Camz😍🙈- thanks for today lolo, i feel like a badass😈

Lauren couldn't help but smile at that text from Camila.

L- It was my pleasure, but you're no badass. That's all me😎

Camz😍🙈- i am too a badass! i have the muscles to prove it💪💪

L- Skipping one class doesn't make you a badass!

Camz😍🙈- well ive skipped 2. so there, definitely a badass😎

L- No

Camz😍🙈- yes, face it lauren

Lauren laughed, her and Camila went back and forth on the whole 'who's a badass' debacle for another 15 minutes.

L- Fine Camz, you're a badass😒

Lauren rolled her eyes as she sent the text, but a smile still plastered on her face, despite the emoji she sent.

Camz😍🙈- yay! im so cool❄️⛄️

Lauren thought Camila was an absolute dork, that's one of the many reasons she liked Camila.

L- Yeah, yeah.

Camz😍🙈- ur a piece of 💩

Lauren let out a breathy laugh, Camila literally just called her a piece of shit, she knew was only joking but she was going to mess with the younger girl.

L- Wow Camila, way to hurt someone's feelings. 😓

Camz😍🙈- suck it up lo, you're supposed to be a badass🌵

Well, that didn't go the way she hoped.

L- Yeah, but they have feelings too Camz. 😥

Camz😍🙈- im sorry lolo, please forgive me? *cues puppy dog eyes*

Lauren was imagining Camila with the most adorable puppy dog eyes and pout in history. She couldn't think of anything more irresistible than that, she knows that if she were to actually see them, she'd cave instantly and do anything the brown eyed girl wanted.

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