Chapter 11

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It was finally the day Lauren and her team had been waiting for. It was finally homecoming and everyone in school was showing thier pride. Wearing jersey's, headbands, spirit t-shirts and anything else with the school's colors.

They had a pep rally to get everyone pumped and hyped up before the game. They did that every year before homecoming, it was a tradition.

Now, Lauren was sat in the locker room with her beats headphones on blasting Big Sean's "I Don't Fuck With You." It gets her in her zone and in her element before the game.

Everyone knows not to mess with her when she has her headphones and a hard look on her face. She would practically snap if anyone messed up her routine.

The game would start in an hour so the team headed out in an orderly fashion with their warm ups on. As soon as they were outside, screaming and yelling was heard across the gym.

Once they hit that gym floor, nothing else mattered except for that game. There was to be no distractions but Lauren couldn't help but be distracted by a certain brown eyed brunette who was sat in the bleachers.

She knew she would get shit for this but she couldn't help but run over to the girl and embrace her in a warm inviting hug.

Camila reciprocated the hug, she loved the feeling of Lauren's strong arms wrapped around her. It made her feel safe and cared about.

Lauren positioned herself between Camila's legs and placed her hands on Camila's small hips.

"Shouldn't you be out there practicing?" Camila asked, looking at Lauren with a smile of amusement. She glanced back at her teammates on the gym floor and the older girl shrugged her shoulders, she wanted to be with Camila before the game started.

"I've had enough practice. I wanted to see your face before we win this..... and maybe get a good luck kiss?" Lauren asked cutely with a slight smirk. Camila rolled her eyes, but smiled. She thought the green eye'd girls antics were funny but cute.

She leaned in nonetheless and gave Lauren a quick peck. Lauren pouted, that one little peck wouldn't suffice.

On the gym floor, Lauren's coach was looking for his team captain. Lauren heard him calling her name but she ignored him and tried to hide her way out of his view causing Camila to laugh adorably.

She wouldn't leave until she got that good luck kiss from Camila.

"Lo, your coach is looking for you." Camila stated looking at Lauren's coach look for his player. Lauren just shrugged. She wasn't going anywhere until she got what she wanted. "I'm not leaving until I get my kiss." She persisted. Her face was dead serious, she would probably miss the game if she didn't get her kiss.

Camila didn't want Lauren to get in trouble, and Lauren knew that. She used that to her advantage and worked her charms on the younger Cuban.

Camila grabbed Lauren's neck and pulled her in for a heated and passionate kiss. She tangled her fingers in Lauren's hair and slipped her tongue in her mouth without permission.

She explored every inch of Lauren's mouth causing the older girl to moan. She took Lauren's bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling on it lightly before letting it go with a popping noise.

Camila smirked at the dazed look on Lauren's face. Lauren was left breathless, she was not expecting that. She couldn't believe Camila had just kissed her like that, from that kiss, she'd never expect she was Camila's first.

She felt as if her legs were jelly and like she was floating, Camila's kiss left her in a haze.

Her eyes were closed and her mouth was gaped opened. Camila laughed as Lauren opened her eyes and blinked rapidly, gaining some sort of sense back.

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