Chapter 6

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"Fuck!" Lauren groaned as she ran her last sprint. Her coach had been extra hard on the team lately, especially her, being the captain and all. Homecoming was in a week and practices have been nothing brutal. Constant running, drills and learning plays.

Her team has always been undefeated, they're the best in the state. They've got a ton of championship trophies to prove it. Their coach plans on keeping that title and so does Lauren.

"Damn, coach is on our asses!" Reagan, a senior and starter on the team, whispered to Lauren. "You got that right," Lauren said out of breath.

"Okay, girls, 5 minute break." Their coach yelled as he wrote down a new play for them to learn. Lauren scurried away to get her water bottle. She drowned herself, extremely thirsty from the 20 sprints.

As she was looking through her bag for her ankle brace, she spotted Camila in the bleachers, cleaning up.

Her long brown hair was cascading over her shoulder, a small pink bow laced in it, she had a focus look taking over her features. She wore jeans and a baggy white t-shirt. Lauren thought the younger girl looked beautiful, beyond beautiful. She didn't didn't have any makeup on and her bruises were gone. She took her breath away.

Camila glanced up and smirked at Lauren, noticing the girl staring. She bit her lip and went back to what she was doing.

Lauren, completely forgetting she was drinking water, choked. Camila seeing the girl in distress, rushed down to her.

She patted Lauren's back as she tried to steady her breathing. "Are you alright?" She asked, concern laced in her raspy voice. Lauren just nodded, unable to talk at the moment. And not because she was choking.

Her face was flushed and she was covered in sweat from her practice. Lauren inhaled a big whiff of air and let it. Her breathing was back to normal as she stared into beautiful pools of brown, her heart beating erratically in her chest. "H-hi," Lauren stuttered, taking comfort in Camila's small hand placed on her back.

"Hi," Camila whispered back. Lauren was trying hard to think of something to say but she couldn't come up with anything. She looked around nervously, the younger girl made her quite squeamish.

"Uh-y-you missed a spot." She pointed to an area in the bleachers that had a bottle and a few candy wrappers. "Oh," Camila nodded, disappointment taking over her once relaxed features. She had hoped the other girl would have said something different, something not involving her job. "Okay," she said and walked over to where Lauren had pointed before.

Lauren smacked and cursed herself for being stupid. You're such a fucking idiot! Sometimes, Lauren was a bow of confidence around Camila, other times, like now, she was a complete nervous wreck. She just didn't know what to say, so instead, she goes and says something stupid.

As Lauren was having a fight with herself, Reagan approached her. "Don't beat yourself up Lo," Lauren looked at Reagan with curious emerald eyes. "I used to be like that around Amy." She confessed.

Lauren laughed nervously. "Psht, what are you talking about?" Reagan gave Lauren an 'are you serious' look. She was completely obvious with her feelings towards Camila and she couldn't hide from Reagan, being on the team with her for 3 years, she knew a lot about her. They were both seniors but Lauren started Varsity as a freshman.

Lauren sighed. "I just get so nervous around her, sometimes I'm completely confident and others, I just fucking mess up." She let out a breathy sigh. "I know exactly how you feel Lo," Reagan patted her back. "Just take a breath, and try to relax." She advised. "And don't be a little bitch, suck it up." she threw in making Lauren laugh.

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