Chapter 12

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It had been two months since Lauren had asked Camila to be her girlfriend, everything was great between the two.

In their time together, Camila discovered how jealous Lauren got whenever anyone would look her way.

Lauren tried to control it but she couldn't help it, Camila was hers and nobody else's. She wasn't a crazy obsessive jealous, she was just possessive and protective of Camila but not in a bad way. She would constantly show Camila affection in public, she thought Camila was a girl worth showing off.

Camila loved the thought of Lauren being protective of her, it made her stomach tingle and feel completely safe.

She also discovered how sweet Lauren was, scratch that, she already knew how sweet Lauren was but getting to experience her sweet little gestures everyday was something different.

Lauren never ceased to make Camila smile, even if she was having the worst of worst days, Lauren would put a smile on her face.

It was always from small gestures like carrying her books or walking her to class or leaving pecks on her cheek or cute little notes in her locker. It was simple, but no matter what it was, it always made her feel special.

The two were now laying on Lauren's bed all cuddled up in each other's arms. Camila's arm was draped across Lauren's stomach and laced with Lauren's hand, Lauren's other arm, that wasn't holding Camila's hand, was draped around her shoulders. Camila's head was pressed snugly against Lauren's shoulder and their legs were tangled together.

Camila loved the sound of Lauren's soothing heartbeat and she loved the feeling of it too, how it would beat against her ear when her head was laid against Lauren's chest. It left a sense of calmness through her body and she needed that.

"Babe, your birthday's coming up." Lauren stated, Camila just shrugged.

She didn't really care for her birthday, they were never special. Her parents never threw her a party, maybe when she was 5 or 6 but that was all she could remember. Her parents had probably thrown them for her when she was smaller but she wouldn't know, she couldn't recall back that far.

Nothing happened after that fifth or sixth birthday. Since then, her birthday was practically unimportant and just like another normal day of the year.

Some years they'd even go without wishing her a happy birthday and that pained Camila to death. Instead of having a happy birthday, she'd sit in her room and cry.

She didn't care for the parties or the presents, she just wanted to see if her parents cared about her. When they were silent and barely glanced at her, she got her answer. It wasn't the answer she wanted, but it was an answer and it was something she had to live with.

Her parents didn't care for her and they probably never would. They never showed any interest in her, or even Sofi. She's practically raised her little sister on her own.

Sofi is only 6 and since she was 4, she would draw Camila a picture. It was no masterpiece but it meant the world to Camila.

"What do you want?" Lauren asked, rubbing Camila's arm soothingly.

Lauren had been pestering Camila about what she wanted for her birthday but the other girl would only shrug and give her the same answer she was giving her now or she would just ignore the question fully but she couldn't do that now since it was in less than a week.

"I don't want anything." Camila answered nonchalantly and it's true. She doesn't want anything, especially not to be disappointed again. "I'm sure there's something." Lauren pressed.

Lauren always thought birthdays were important and special, and she couldn't understand why Camila didn't want anything.

For her birthday, she'd wish for everything and then some more. She loved when people would send her cute little messages and give her cute little gifts. It was that one day of year that was specifically made to be about you, it was your day.

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