Written on the wall in blood......

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"Hey,Lily.What are you upto?"Jackie said crashing on my bed.

"Hey.Nothing much,just making notes on the assignment Professor Humphrey had given us."I replied.

"Pshh.You're actually going through all these books for that

assignment?"Jackie asked pointing to the dozen books on my bed.

"Yeah."I said.

"Why bother?You can look at mine.I have it in my room.I can get it for you if you like."Jackie offered.

"No thanks I'll make my own."I said smiling.

"Mind if I watch your Tv?"Jackie said grabbing the remote.I shook my head and she began to flip through the channels.

"What more can you tell us about the accident?"a newscaster was asking a guy who looked worn out.

"Well,Nadine.A press conference will be held soon to reveal the details but an inside source had told me that the escapee was a mental patient who had Anti-social Personality disorder.He was being treated in the St.Mary's hospital but the doctors said that his condition had become worse.He was being transported to another institution when the accident with the bike took place.The patient is said to have an aversion for lights and revels in the dark.Public is advised to stay away from dark places and not to travel alone at nights until this patient is caught.Pictures will be soon distributed so anyone who has seen the patient can tell the police or the hospital officials about his whereabouts."the guy said.

"Ok,thanks Jim.Please stay tuned-"the news caster was saying but Jackie turned the TV off.

"Sociopath on the loose.Just what we need."Jackie said under her breath and yawned.

It was almost 9pm.

"I'm off to bed.See you later.Oh and if you change your mind about the notes.Take them.They are on my night stand."Jackie said and I nodded.

"Good night."I said as she closed the door after her.

Jackie and I were best friends.We had gotten into the same college but since we couldn't get assigned to the same rooms we stayed with our roommates.But we still crashed in each other's rooms and hung out a lot.

An hour later my head began to ache from reading and I put away the books.

"What the hell,I'll get her notes and make my own notes from them."I said out loud.

Atleast I wouldn't have to refer to these books.

I got off the bed and went out.

Jackie's room was upstairs.I climbed the stairs and ran into Helen.

"Hey Lily,want to come over for some pizza and watch a movie?"Helen asked.

"No thanks I've got to finish the assignment."I said and she nodded.

I went to Jackie's room and knocked gently.

No answer.I pushed it open and saw the lights were off.I crept in quietly and closed the doors.Jackie was already fast asleep.

I made my way to her room and searched her study table.

I accidently knocked a book over and Jackie shuffled and groaned.

"Hey,sorry it's me.I want the notes.Can I turn on the lights to look for them?"I said quietly.

No answer.Oh well,maybe she doesn't want the lights on.I kept searching and felt something round on one book.

Aha!Jackie's notebook.She glued faux jems and stones on her note books for the "bling look".

I grabbed it and went out bumping my knee on the table and hissing in pain.

I hopped out and went back downstairs.

In half an hour I had finished the notes and felt drowsy.

I turned off the lights and went to sleep.


Beep! Beep!

I turned off my alarm clock.It was 6:30am.I got up,showered and dressed and collected my notes.I was on my way out when I remembered I had to return Jackie's notes as well.I grabbed her notebook and went to my class.

Around 10:45am after three consecutive classes,which I shared with Jackie and who hadn't showed up,I decided to go to her room and see if she was in.

I thought it was odd of her to miss out on Professor Angela's

lecture,she was Jackie's favourite teacher and Jackie attended her class religiously.

I headed upstairs in the dorms and went to Jackie's room.

I knocked.

No answer.I pushed open the door.The curtains were drawn and I could only make out a lump on the bed that meant Jackie was still sleeping.

"Wake up lazy bones!!"I said loudly pushing back her curtains.

I turned around axpecting her to wake up and throw something at me.

Jackie wasn't a morning person but when I turned around I saw something that made me freeze in the spot.

Jackie was covered in blood.

Her neck had been cut open and she was dead,her bed was soaked with her blood.

I looked up after a few minutes in shock and saw something on the wall that sent shivers down my back and made me scream.

Something for me was written on the wall with Jackie's blood,



(A/N:APD is anti-social personality disorder almost all the psychopaths suffer from it.)

This is an urban legend and many stories have been made on it so please don't come after me shouting about the copyright issue because loads of people have shared it and this is my way of sharing it with you.Many of you probably knew about it but I just came across it and thought it was cool.In a creepy kind of way XD

I tried very hard to maintain originality with the theme.

Love you for reading and would appreciate some crticism.

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