The Babysitter Killer...

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"I've put up the numbers on the fridge,so call if there's any emergency or if Jimmy wants to say goodnight or something.

Also please help yourself to anything you like from the kitchen.Mary told me you love to read so there's a study down the stairs in the basement if you want to relax with a book.

I've left some money on the counter as well incase you want to order something.We'll try to be back by midnight."Mrs.Hurst said pausing to take a breath.

Wow!I never knew Mary got that much freedom while babysitting for Mrs.Hurst.No wonder she never turned Mrs.Hurst down whenever she called her to babysit her 4 year old son,Jimmy.

"Thank you Mrs.Hurst it's so nice of you to do so much",I replied hardly believing my luck.

I had braced myself for a boring night of babysitting a 4 year old boy,but it turns out it was going to be alright.

"Also If you want to have friends over it's fine too as long there's only 3 of you and Jimmy isn't disturbed."Mrs.Hurst said smiling and putting on her coat.

Double wow!I'm so gonna start babysitting for Mrs.Hurst from now on.Mary always went on about how cool she was and how fun it was to babysit her kid and all that.But then again Mary's idea of fun revolved around volunteering at the homeless,walking dogs for people,etc.

I know it's actually a pretty decent thing to do but I mean come on,doing everything for free?!I get the homeless shelter and all but hell I'm not scooping up dog poop for free for anybody!

I agreed to cover for her since her "Save the Dolphins" fundraiser was tonight.I swear the hospital lost my real sister and gave mom a hippie instead.

She was popular in the entire neighbourhood and school for being the nicest person.Wheras I was exactly opposite.

NO! I was not mean to people or anything but I actually had the nerve to say no to stupid things,stand up for myself and actually ask to get paid for babysitting.I had dark brown hair,violet-blue eyes and a slim petite figure.

I was 17,3 years younger than Mary and people kept expecting me to be just like Mary.I loved her like a sister but no way was I going to run about doing stuff for free.Well not all of them anyway.

Mary had asked me to babysit and since I had no interest in going to Amber's party to get drunk and and grounded afterwards I agreed to do it.

Plus Mrs.Hurst was turning out to be pretty cool than I expected.

"Thank you once again Mrs.Hurst and don't worry Jimmy and I'll have loads of fun."I said ruffling Jimmy's hair as he looked up and smiled.

He was a cute kid.

He had his mother's hazel brown eyes,dimple on the left cheek and a shock of copper coloured hair.

"Bye,honey.Love you",Mrs.Hurst leaned down to kiss Jimmy and left.

I locked the front door,checked the back door and windows.It was 6pm and Jimmy's bedtime was at 8.

We made popcorns,watched Sponge Bob,painted,had pizza and then after Jimmy had a bath and change of clothes,I sat down near Jimmy's bed in his room to read him a bed time story.

"What would you like me to read ?"I asked him.

"The Dragon Rock,"he said.I went to his book shelf,it was bigger than mine,I noticed and pulled out the book he had said.

I started reading it and in the middle Jimmy had drifted off to sleep.I turned off the light,put the book back in it's place and left the room leaving the door slighly open.

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