Chapter 1.

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I jumped out of my bed, beads of sweat covered my forehead. Nightmares were an occurrence. I slowly got out of bed, walking over to my computer desk. It was filled with open letters and pictures from the past years. I took out a piece of paper and pen and began to write.

Dear Mr. Horan.

I'm sorry for not writing back in so long, just things have been getting worse and worse with all the scum around here. I can't do this anymore! But anyways enough about me, how is your trial? Good luck, you might finally get out! If you do get out, we must stay in touch. So will you please finally send me a picture of you?



I folded the paper up and slipped it into the envelope. I ran to the front door and quietly placed it in my mailbox. Since my roommate Kayla hated how I wrote letters to a "criminal" I had to try to hide it, but it didn't bother me. Except the fact that when I sent him a picture of myself, he promised I'd get one in return. I never did.

I have been writing my pen pal, or "Mr. Horan" for a long time now. It's coming up to about  2 years. We have became very close and I've opened up to him, and he eventually did the same. We were about the same age, him being only a year older which makes him 20. He never told me what he looked like, or where he was located since the letters never had a return address. What I didn't understand the most was that he never told me his name. It was just "Mr. Horan." I just send letters to the nearest police department, and they would ship it out to wherever he was.

I know it sounds odd, a bit crazy quoting my closer friends. But people write to prisoners all the time, I even heard some people send money to them, and some even marry them! But this wasn't like that. No, it was something we both were interested in I suppose. We just talked about our lives, and dreams. Well the dreams mostly came from me. Mr. Horan was a very conservative man, when I read through our letters (something I do often), I try to break them down and look for pieces of information about him that he  does not out right say, but in my luck no such thing has brought me any justice so far. 

I get back in bed and just stare at the ceiling. I was tired of a lot of things. Including school, boys, and constantly receiving unanswered questions. Everything needed to change, and since it was practically the beginning of summer. Things were about to take a turn for the better. If only I believed that.


Hours later the rain drummed against the metal on the cars that let out a soft beat which I walked too. I entered the local cafe and inhaled the fresh scent of coffee beans and sweet baked goods. Sitting down in my normal spot I took out old letters and read over once again. No clues, no traces to his life. I was starting to drive myself crazy.

I re-read all the secrets he told me, about how he never meant to hurt anyone or why he couldn't tell me his first name. It bothered me how he left simple things out. Like his name or even what he looked like, but he would tell me his deepest secrets. I sent him a picture of me once, he said he received it but didn't comment on how I looked. He probably thought I was ugly anyway. My dull brown hair reached down to the bottom of my chest. My eyes were light green at some points, then deep brown the next. My body was odd, I was never called fat, but the word skinny never came to mind at least to me. I hated to admit the fact that I was severely self-conscious. I thought about what Mr. Horan looked like. Maybe he was tall and beautiful, with bright eyes and a warm smile. The friends that know I write him, say he's probably an old creepy man, lying about his age and what he was convicted of. Either fat or oddly shaped with weird fetish. I didn't care what he looked like, he was nice and respected me for who I was.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing signaling someone had entered the room. I looked up to see my dear friend Kayla. Kayla is my best friend, she and I lived in the same house. Some say we act like complete opposites. She is outgoing and fun, going to parties almost every night. On the other hand I usually stayed home, occasionally going to a party or two. School was a big part of my life, but summer was here. So I was thinking of starting over, and living life how I should've spent my teenage years. Do not get me wrong, I love to go out as well, hell, I could outdrink half of the alcohol obsessed teenage boys that drooled over Kayla when we were out. One of the many genes I probably inherited from my adventurous parents. Who at the moment, were far across the world doing God knows what. We spoke every month, or when they actually remembered to call. I let that go when I was around 17, I accepted the fact that they would never be the best parents, but I will always love them regardless. 

"Hey girl! I didn't even notice you were gone this morning!" Kayla said. She pulled up another chair and sat down next to me. I nodded my head in response and kept reading over old letters.

"You know you really need to stop writing this dude, what if he gets out and comes looking for you?" She was always so annoyed that I spent a majority of my time writing. I looked up at her bright blue eyes and shook my head, lightly laughing at her concern. Why would Mr. Horan come looking for me? I'm sure he has family and friends waiting for him on the outside, he probably plans to go live with them and start over. He didn't tell me much about that as well.

"I bet he has hundreds of people writing him each day, why would he come to Cheshire just looking for me? For all we know he could be in jail all the way around the world." I was getting annoyed by now, she knew it bothered me when she would talk about Mr. Horan and how he could "come find me and kill me like he did to his victim". I mean I know I was un-lucky, but not that unlucky.

"Well one- you have been writing him for two fucking years! Two- you sent him a picture of yourself so he knows what you look like. And three- If I had a hot ass girl writing me I know I'd go find her to!" I rolled my eyes at her last statement and she just laughed.

"Well, one he could've been writing someone else for even longer. Two- he probably doesn't even believe it's me. And three- You're a fucking weirdo! It's not like I like him so if he came looking for me I wouldn't be asking for a date!" I started to laugh as she joined in. Other people started to turn and glare at us for making so much noise.

"Well put down your letters girl because I'm taking you out tonight. I don't care what you say! You always sta-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"I was going to ask if we could go out tonight anyway." I said. Kayla blinked a couple times as she tried to process what I last said. Her mouth was open like she just saw a ghost. Her face went from gaping to... confused? Realization finally hit her and her lips rolled into a smile.

"Finally! Oh my god were going to the biggest party tonight, we have to go home right away and get ready! Zayn said there's this party and we can find you someone to fuck!" I turn over fast to punch her arm, for both her vulgarity and the volume she just yelled that in front of a room full of strangers.

"I am not sleeping with some random dude!" I yelled back, my face heating up with embarrassment from the groups of people glaring at us. 

"Well you'll have to lose your virginity sooner or later." She retorted.

I let out a breath and rolled my eyes. In return Kayla smiled and grabbed my hand, making me shove all my letters back into my bag and dragging me out of the coffee shop. I scramble to shove all of the letters and pens into my bag before the fall to the ground. 

"Where the hell are we going?" I yelled.

"We are going to the mall! You need to get some cute clothes for tonight!" She answered.

I rolled my eyes again and let her drag me along the sidewalk. I can't believe I'm actually going to go through with this. With my luck, something bad will happen. But only time can tell.


Sorry this is so short! I just wanted to update one more time before going to sleep! Well I hope you like the story so far (: I know it may seem confusing right now, but trust me the next chapter or so will clear things up! Keep reading, commenting, & voting!

Stay Golden xxxxx

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